New York to BAN shipping of ALL ANIMALS

I was unaware of this! Thank you so much for bringing it up!

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There is a big difference between conservation laws/regulations, hunting laws and regulations to advocating for laws and regulations on our reptiles.
Any reptile keeper should know better than to ask for regulations with how we keep, breed, and which animals we own. To even think that’s a good corse of action is beyond me.
Government doesn’t want us owning reptiles, so to invite them to control us is not something any of us should support. Just kinda ridiculous in my opinion to even think that’s a viable option for our hobby.


@saleengrinch yes sir SB1414. they are actually meeting again this week over it.


Incorrect. As a hunter myself I know that they make it so you can only legally harvest a certain amount of animals, and only in specific seasons. There used to be very few deer in many places before regulations were put in place to save the deer from ending up like bison. It has proven very effective. I had to take a class on the matter when getting my hunters registration.

Not every single animal rights group is evil like PETA. I would say conservation groups (legitimate ones that actually care about the environment and the animals) would probably be the best bet, maybe with council from people in the hobby. Some groups out there are actually good and want nothing but the best for animals and the environment.

Refer to @fatalis post. As stated, I agree with their points. However, it is worse when you do things only for yourself without considering the wellbeing of the animals in question. Not just your animals either, but all the animals that aren’t in very good hands.

Now, can we stop going back and forth and in circles on points I have already made just because you don’t agree with them? I don’t wish to drive this further off-topic or repeat myself more. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs without constantly being questioned just because you don’t like them.

Now, to attempt to get it back on-topic again I shall try and reference the original post about the law that they are trying to pass even if I must repeat myself (again). Banning things will only lead to risky use of illegal methods to ship animals, so it is a horrible idea and is only being pushed because people are scared of more zoonotic diseases popping up.


I never said I didn’t like you or personally attack you. Isn’t what this forum is for healthy debate and sharing of information?


No sir please, Shaun is fine I want to research this myself I appreciate the information!

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:100: on point!!!


I have taken hunter’s certification as well. In Missouri without a hunting season there is to many deer and they die of starvation. But I myself do not hunt.

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It is being rewritten and being looked at this week for review. It was deemed unconstitutional at the end of last year. Labeled as SB 1414. The section I am referencing is in section 3 which some people stopped reading after section 1 says don’t harass wildlife and section 2 is about license free fishing days. Kinda sneaky


Government pork at it’s finest. Good for you for educating yourself and reading everything.

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That is the case these days yes, due to a lacking of enough natural predators because of urban development, as well as a lack of space because of the same thing. A while back it was the case of them being grossly over hunted, which was the start of deer conservation as we know it today.


Ok and we are talking about these days and regulations being made now not the past.


I agree plenty of good groups out there. Unfortunately they are not involved in the law making process. I’m all for conversation and protection of native species. But the government is not and that is the problem. They won’t pass laws preventing developing on our shrinking wildlife lands. That’s what they should be doing not telling me what snake I can keep and in what I have to keep it in.


I was giving an example of the government effectively regulating something. Even the way hunting seasons are regulated are effective these days.

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They regulate it because it brings in revenue that’s all big government cares about.


Isnt that exactly what your doing as well?


Some may have misconstrued what I said in my last post… I said we should officially regulate ourselves before others do. Regulations don’t have to be through the government and this is what my statement aims to say. My example was a government regulation but it still stands as beneficial for animals and people (thought moreso people than animals). Again if you don’t want the government making uneducated regulations on our hobby, then we should be proposing standards, policies, and regulation ourselves in an organization made of hobbyists, veterinarians, and scientists. Maybe this will happen, maybe it won’t, but it’s something I think would need to happen if we want to protect our privilege to keep these animals.

And while our government is definitely, well, we’ll just say “bad”. Painting every single person who works under it as evil and money-grubbing isn’t all that helpful. Even though there has been a lot of bad calls from USFW (and others) from malicious and uneducated people, there are also the maybe uneducated but passionate people who definitely work under it that just want to preserve our habitats and animals.


Whoa! Hold on there… If you want us to get back on track then let’s consider the following FACTS. Conservation groups like WWF, The Audubon Society, Sierra Club, etc…, etc… absolutely are involved in helping to create legislation that is aimed at protecting wildlife and wild places. That is a HUGE part of what those organizations do. They work closely with state and federal legislators to write many bills. They even fund the research and pay the lawyers that draft many of the bills that are proposed by lawmakers. Most of the bills that would protect wild places and the animals and plants that live there are defeated before being passed in to law because conservative pr*cks that are only interested in money and the so-called “rights” of corporations to earn profit don’t vote for those bills. Accusing “big government of being interested only in revenue” is a serious misrepresentation of fact. ~Half of the people in this country and ~half of the federal government in this country are actually sane and care about things like clean water, clean air, and saving what is left of nature.


If, hypothetically, our elected representatives did care, it wouldn’t change the fact that government solutions are inefficient, expensive (to the taxpayer) and stifle progress in every industry they stick their nose into.
USARK does a great job defending this industry legally, but I think it’s time for a little lobbying.


That kind of specialized transport business sounds delightful. I can’t even imagine how expensive it would be to run in the United States. The difference in geographic scale and distances needing to be traveled is rather large.