No reviewed seller *bad shipping*

You said she wasnt bagged? I see a bag in the pic. I have had two spiders shipped to me both had bad wobble when first unpacked. Both settled down after a short period of time. You should see a difference in her soon.

No that’s just my pillowcase to the side of her. She was not bagged. She is still barely moving I decided I really don’t trust the seller so hopefully I can help her recover and just find someone local to take her. Even if I take a loss it’s worth it she’s still moving abnormally and slow but I’m hoping will recover hopefully and then not have to ship again. At the end of the day it’s just money and I would rather her be ok nor do I really believe the seller would actually refund me. Thank you all for the help in this horrifying adventure. At least she is in a better place than she was and hopefully can recover quietly with me.

Well if you go that route I believe everyone would benefit from your story here if yiu have facebook

I would also recommend you to leave a feedback on MM and contact MM support.

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The seller said she doesn’t have a wobble and she’s still barely moving so I would say this is a direct result from improper shipping. I contacted mm support and reviewed them so hopefully someone else doesn’t have the same experience.

I will say again, all spiders wobble. Some just have a very small one when not stressed. The seller is probably one of those that are prone to calling animals with a barely noticeable wobble a “non-wobbler” (even though those don’t exist if they are a wobble morph). She may not move much for a few days when you watch her, but there is a chance she is moving while you are asleep.

What kind of setup do you have? With a situation like this you have to make sure it is as stress free as possible. A tub would be best since she has likely been kept in one her whole life, extra cover, 2 or more hides with 1 entrance on each, gotta make sure the temps are spot on with a thermostat (86°F-88°F) and make sure humidity is between 50%-65% with a quality electric humidity gauge (the stick on ones don’t work well). Make sure she isn’t in a high traffic room, so keep her in a bedroom and out of the living room or kitchen. And of course don’t have her in a tank that is open on all sides.

Right? He said the breed has a wobble but she doesn’t have a wobble. Whether it’s horrible shipping or a wobble she’s in a stress free tub which is covered and quiet.

Hopefully she can make a full recovery and karma will kick this person in the long run. Thank you all for going through this with me :heartpulse::heart:


Since this isn’t a review forum, the seller isn’t directly under attack here. But to add some perspective to this situation, here are some facts:

  1. The seller was highly responsive to the concerns
  2. They offered a partial refund
  3. They offered a full refund upon return (which is standard) and video evidence, which apparently was never provided.

While I’m not saying the OP was dishonest about all or any details given, I think we can all agree that there are dishonest people out there who would try to exploit sellers. It’s not possible to fairly evaluate a situation without seeing all the evidence, which must be provided.

This was definitely not a “scam” by our definitions, and the title has been adjusted.