Was able to snag one of the mourning geckos out of the colony while she was lounging in her pitcher hide
I actually really like the look of morning geckos
Those are awesome! Super cool.
I totally agree, I wanted to start a mourning gecko and dart frog communal tank, but after being told that that wasn’t a good idea I think I’ll focus on geckos. The really cool thing about these is that they asexually reproduce. There aren’t (supposed to be) any male mourning geckos that exist since the females that reproduce asexually produce female clones.
Interestingly enough, there are males of this species. Depending on the population you are looking at they tend to appear at a rate of about 1:200 to 1:700
I’ve heard rumors of people having a male and I’ve seen pictures but the pictures weren’t clear enough to tell. I just assumed that even if there were one it wouldn’t have been known. Are the males caused by sexual reproduction or are they new mutations that give them an X chromosome? Even if a female was paired with a male would the eggs still be fertilized and therefore some of the offspring would be male? Or would the female still produce clones? Or could it even be a mix of both (50% are clones and 50% are fertilized from the male, therefore ~25% of the offspring would be male)?
I love so many questions
Why not a good idea for dart frogs and mournings? We have colon del drago in with williamsi.
Mournings in with an auratus but as soon as our other darts (anthonyi) have morphed out they’ll be joining the mournings.
We’ve also had other species of frogs and other species of day geckos over the years in together also
Those pics are amazing, I really want mourning geckos but I don’t know what I’d do with the offspring so decided not to for now
Well there are many snakes that eat small lizards and geckos, like vine snakes. I mean that’s always an option
Sell them, or grow your colony!! Army of Cute mournings! They’re quite fuzzy looking too
I can’t wait til ours start laying, should be soon
I would love a green house here all warm and planted where they could live… Maybe another future plan!
That is true! But I’m focusing on Cresties ATM I might look at them further down the line!
Although I am hoping to go to a reptile show this year so may get some.
I’m working on getting my husband to let me expand the gecko space ATM so may be room soon
I asked on Arachnoboards (which had quite a few PDF experts) and they pretty much said that it was a terrible idea. I really never got solid reasons but I might also ask on a frog specific forum.
I agree, I have an extra tank set up that I might add a couple geckos to and let them colonize, however with the extra geckos I’m not sure I could feed offspring of pets to vine, garter, or house snakes. Possibly if I buy high quality ones I could sell them easily? If there was enough demand I could sell them until I could afford another tank to put towards mournings.
I was just saying that some people do keep snakes that require you to have a lizard/gecko colony. I would never even think of doing it myself. I mean don’t get me wrong but vine snakes are awesome but having to fed lizards or geckos, it makes them not worth it for me.
Just wanted to clarify
I mean I hate to feed live anything, it just makes me uncomfortable. So I like snakes that switch to f/t very easily. That for me is a must.
I agree, I was just adding my opinion and a potential problem that comes along with feeding the babies to snakes. I thought about making a house gecko colony for purely that purpose so I (hopefully) wouldn’t be attached to any of them. Even if I did that it would be something to do in the future. I agree, feeding f/t in my opinion is much better and for me essentially a requirement. If I had a larger collection I would be okay with feeding live to a couple snakes and some hatchlings and picky eaters. However, that’s another reason why I’m hesitant to look into an asf colony (many, many years from now). I would have a hard time culling them and possibly feeding some live, especially since they’re such cute rodents.
I was say that to some it is alright, but to me, I am against it. It just seems so wrong.
I wouldn’t be able to feed them to snakes, far too cute… I would be far too attached.
I’m not sure about morphs etc but I’d have to have a good selling morph, just for the fact that if have too many to house
So far mourning geckos don’t have morphs. Some sellers have “grades” of their geckos that shows pattern and quality. I would think that if you had those and produced clones of them you could sell them for more and there would be enough demand to sell them.
Okay, thanks. So what would be the difference in look between a high patterned gecko and a low patterned gecko?
I’ve seen some but not many to compare, if that makes sense. Is it clear to see it only slight difference?
I’m not sure, they likely have their own rating scales. I think Josh’s Frogs has a rating scale. You could look at their highest and lowest ratings and look for the differences. You could probably even ask them if you’re not sure.