YAY! Healthy eggies! So excited to see the tiny noodles!
Update to the Saga of Sangfroid-
Still not eating. He’s only eaten once in his bioactive. I’d prefer not to move him back into his old enclosure as it is small. I’ve spent the last two months making sure his warm spot is warm enough, then making sure it stayed consistently warm, and tweaking the humidity in there so that the plants and the snake have their needs met. …
This week’s attempt is tweaking his overall air temperature via heat panel DOWN. It’s lower than the one care guide says, lower than a lot of people like to keep these snakes, but it’s also the temp he was raised in and well, it seems to work for him so long as he has a sufficient hotspot.
So we’re not going by the book so much as by the animal. I have high hopes of this helping him get comfy in there, enough to tempt him to please take a brained fuzzy.
I had my house snake in a bio but for some reason he didn’t do well in it so I went back to his aspen. I probably didn’t set up the bio correctly. Hopefully your guy will decide to cooperate with you eventually!
thanks- yeah I hope I don’t have to get him another enclosure and put him back onto coco/sphagnum, but I did also have this bioactive establishing and worked on balancing it out for like a year or so before putting him in it, and I was hoping that’d make it suitable. It seems to be sustaining as long as I keep enough water in the system. The flowers are blooming, and there’s little millipedes in the substrate as well as isopods.
So I can’t remember why you had to keep him on the coco spaghnum?
Ah that!
I live in the Rockies, and with a humidifier my house is 35% humidity. So a mix of coco and some sphagnum in it, hydrated and cleaned regularly, was the only way to get him consistent humidity even in a plastic enclosure.
Good news! Two towns south of here is a pet store that breeds and sells feeders! Tomorrow I will go get him a live fuzzy and we’ll do what we have done before- get him consistent on live then switch to FT.
I had to hunt all over a few towns yesterday with my darling BFF who was very patient (She has a hognose and is well on board with this quest)
We finally found a reptile shop with live mice, got a fuzzy, dropped it into Sangfroid’s burrow while he was in there, and today?
I have a much fatter noodle. HE ATE HE hasn’t eaten since MAY 24!!
I kinda crashed my health again doing it, had to go right to bed once I’d dropped the fuzzy in there, but it was worth it.
Yay, I’m so glad he ate for you! That’s excellent. Apparently he just needed the right enticement.
Bless your heart. I’m so glad that your stubborn little Sangfroid ate at last! I know that’s a humongous relief. I hope you feel better soon.
Ohh Sangfroid, holding out for the really fancy food that makes you run errands for him – but I’m so so glad he ate. Hopefully the little man is cooperating better now.
Makes me think of my lady, a bit; she’s got a fantastic food response but only as long as the food is moving. This is fine for f/t so long as I wiggle it, but if I drop the mouse, it ceases to be food. She’ll literally have a thawed, warmed-up pinkie on the ground right beside her head and strike at the tongs instead because the tongs are coming to pick up the mouse to make it do the zombie mouse dance again.
Weird little guys, snakes.
I am unbelievably excited for you. Breeding housies is a dream that’s a ways away for me yet, and it’s a delight to get updates on how it’s going for someone else. Keep us updated on the babies!
Welcome to the world, little pastas!
Yay!!! Pippies are so exciting!
imagine that bit from the Office: It’s happening! It’s happening everyone stay calm!!
Congratulations!!! They are beautiful, healthy looking babies!
I absolutely cannot get over how tiny they are as babies, wowwwww. Congratulations!!!
Are all your babies out, @inspirationexotics?
All out! From a nine egg clutch, we ended up with six healthy babies. One egg went bad, one baby was kinked and one baby drowned in the egg, I assume because it had two heads and couldn’t cut out. But - that’s why they lay multiple eggs! My king snake got a couple of treats and the other babies are all healthy and feisty. I’ll post a pic of all of them + individual pics in a bit!
In the meantime, Spitfire laid her eggs (6 eggs) AND Persimmon laid a second clutch (5 eggs) so I will be drowning in house snakes this year.
So many babies on the way! Congratulations again on the healthy hatchlings. It’s a shame that some didn’t make it but of course you’re right, that’s why they lay plenty of eggs.
How curious. There have been a few bicephalic babies this season. @solarserpents has a corn snake hatchling who recently took its first meal. (You can read about it late in this thread: https://community.morphmarket.com/t/solar-serpents-2024-babies/45711.)