Not-Really-Colubrids: African House Snakes! Discussion and Show-off

Wow! Here’s hoping an easy delivery and a healthy snek.


Btw your snake is gorgeous! :clap::+1::blush::snake::heart:


Thank you! She looks extremely dull right now compared to normal because of the shed. She’s much brighter orange/red!


Best of luck to you and your girl, @inspirationexotics. Hopefully things will go smoothly for her if she’s gravid (or if she’s not, of course!). I’ve had more than one virgin corn decide she simply must produce a clutch. So far, they’ve all done so without any problems. No partho eggs here, though I know it’s possible. In any case, I hope all is well.


I was still on the fence about her being gravid, but I am no more - she is definitely, 100% gravid. She’s just getting thicker and thicker, and though I’m trying not to move her much, when I do her belly is so lumpy. I leave to go out of town in a week, so I’m hoping she lays before then - if not, my roommate will be on egg watch. :sweat_smile:


If I were you I’d be a nervous wreck! She is such a beautiful momma! Can’t wait to see what “pops” “pips” out later on even though it will be awhile! :snake::+1::blush:


Goodness, she’s just determined, eh? Well, fingers crossed that things will go smoothly for her. Preferably before you leave so your roommate won’t have to deal with that and so you won’t have to worry about it while you’re away.


Hey everyone,

Just curious if anyone has a growth chart for these guys as they grow up
My house snake hatched August 2022, currently weighs 40g, eats weekly. I received him in February & he weighed 11g.
This is my first house snake, but I’m beginning to think he’s a male because this seems small

Thank you in advance!


What species of House Snake do you have? They vary in sizes…

Mine’s a Brown/Black, Boaedon fuliginosus, and when I got him he was 6 grams and maybe six months old, and around year later he was 18g. He was a VERY slow starter and remains picky with his food, so I think growth rates can vary, but I don’t know if I’d call 40 g small necessarily. Do you have pictures?

As long as he’s bright eyed and …well not bushy tailed, obviously lol, but well filled out, alert, glossy, hungry and healthy, I don’t know that I’d worry. My tiny boy Sangfroid is alert, curious and healthy looking, in spite of being a wee noodle. He’s got a voracious appetite for Live food, we just took a while to come to that.

I am, however, a new keeper too, so I’d ask someone like @ballornothing and hope they don’t mind being pinged for their experience.


I don’t know of any growth charts but I rarely pay much attention to that kind of stuff anyway. I’d have to weigh my younger ones to get an idea but my initial guess would be a male. Given it’s a picky feeder though that could be wrong. Do you have any mature females currently? If so that could explain the picky behavior. The male I’m raising was sure he was ready to breed this season and went off food for a month or so then was picky coming back on. Of course he was nowhere near ready size wise to be anything but a light snack to my females lol.


So @jonelle95 As @athleticshoelace said, there are several different types of house snakes and depending on what type you have, that could make a difference in the weight and size of yours.

That being said, the fact that your noodle is eating on a regular basis is wonderful! I (just speaking for myself here) have come to the conclusion that any snake does much better with a slow consistent steady growth and will eventually reach the appropriate size for that particular type/breed. The most important thing to make sure of is to keep them eating and not over feed them, which could cause a feeding strike. I found that out the hard way with one of my female ball pythons. Thanks to the advice from @chesterhf I realized my mistake and now she has started to eat again.

However, I am speaking from a pet keeper’s viewpoint. I don’t know if you plan on breeding house snakes down the road? in which case your concern for your snake’s weight gain might be an issue that would affect breeding plans?

As an added note, it is very possible that you have a male. House snake males are smaller than females. The bottom line is don’t try to fix something if it’s not “broke”! Lol

Best wishes to you and your noodle buddy @jonelle95! :snake::blush:


They can definitely take longer periods to grow. What size prey are you feeding? My capes came in around 40-50g and they were eating large fuzzies, now they’re in the 200g range and they eat large adult mice. Definitely second that it’s better to be slow and steady than super quick growth, and as long as your snake is eating, that’s a good sign!


See I feel worried sometimes that Sangfroid has to eat pinkies- STILL- but he’s just not that big around yet! He’s like allllmost as thick as a sharpie marker, his head is smaller around than a pencil. And he barely weighs maybe 20g now. I need to check him again it’s been a little while. I have tried giving him two pinkies, and that might need to be our next upgrade for more food but not in higher width-
I mean in nature, they’d find five or six of these little wigglers in a nest. I feed mine by putting them in his tunnels for him to sniff out and “hunt” and that seems to keep him eager to eat.


In my personal experience, house snakes will readily and easily take much larger meals than other snakes around the same size. I’d say you can easily feed a house snake (a cape, at least) something 20-25% bigger than their body. You could absolutely try getting a fuzzy on the small side and see if he’ll take that. Pinkies have so little nutrition, they take absolutely forever to grow.

Definitely do it carefully, but it’s totally doable. My house snake girls were readily taking small adult mice that left significant lumps when my corn snake around the same width was taking small hoppers. My male is around 125g now and he takes large adult mice, same size as my girls who are around 200g.

One of my favorite pictures of a house snake (which I can’t seem to find now, unfortunately) was from someone in their native range in Africa who had caught a wild one that had eaten some kind of bird. The prey was literally 3x the size of the snake’s body, and the person posted an update a few days later that it had digested and gone completely back to normal before he released it.


Well either he ate the fuzzy or it has teleported out of there, because I put it where I usually leave his prey and it’s gone now!


Gonna assume it was the former, so hooray!! :clap:


Coming from a South African I personally love all house snakes :grin::ok_hand:


Have you ever seen any around in “the wild” as it were, around the houses or parks there?


Yes I have indeed had to relocate 2 this year from my bosses house :joy::rofl: the way he acted I thought the first one was a adult only to be a baby​:rofl::joy: other one I would say was almost adult.


Oh how wonderful! To be so blessed! LOL. I bet it’s scary worrying it might be a dangerous snake, but such a relief to realize Oop, it’s a house snek and a scared noodle, let’s scoop them up and put the outside. Like finding garter snakes here. They hold a very similar ecological niche, but diurnally.