Not-Really-Colubrids: African House Snakes! Discussion and Show-off

Whoaa Sangfroid absolutely mastering it! I was going to say ‘killing it’ but, FT. :wink: We’ll let him think he killed it himself.


Thanks! Oh yes he is a mighty hunter. Such fierce. Much strike. Very scary boi.


Woo hoo Mr Sanfroid! Keep slammin them fuzzies! :+1:


Hooray for Sangfroid the Scary! Glad he’s finally getting with the program. Your patience is paying off handsomely.


My new baby has arrived and she is an African House Snake! Boaedon capensis in particular! She’s from April Linkfield of House Snake Morphs & More.

Extreme gene albino (with “a little something extra I haven’t quite worked out yet”, in the words of the breeder) female. Her name is Chester, because she looks like a cheeto, and I was not emotionally prepared for how tiny she is, lol. She’s amazing and I’m already in love with her: she came out of her transit container tongueflicking and poking her head all around. I think she’s going to have personality.

First pic is her at home, other pics are from her original ad. I didn’t want to stress her out with a full photoshoot. She’s chilling in her quarantine enclosure now, hopefully to settle in comfortably.



Congratulations!! :tada::champagne::confetti_ball::balloon: Miss Chester is “Cheetoriffic! I know how tiny she is because I have a house snake (Apricot) that came from April as well . I hope your Chester eats as well as my Apricot! He hasn’t missed a meal yet! He ate a small fuzzy last week for the first time.

Keep us updated once Chester settles in! :pray::blush:


Ooh! Was Apricot the lovely little brown fella you showed off back in September? He was so charming.

Absolutely I will post updates – I am so excited for this new addition to the fam. I am going to be slightly insufferable about her, I’m sure. It’s been a really, life-shakingly awful autumn in almost every other way, but having her arrive okay (and alert! and curious!) has made me feel like a million bucks. I hope I can do well by her. I’m gonna do my best.


Chester is too stunning cute! House snakes are just the cutest little things.


Oh yeah you will absolutely be so glad you got her because house snakes are so unique in many ways. And yes that’s Apricot! (He is named after his breeder btw).

He tends to curl around my fingers and just hang out there. Sometimes it feels like he is cutting off my circulation!

Anyhoo I can’t wait until she gets out of quarantine because I want to hear about how much you are enjoying her! And she is beautiful btw! :heart:


Oh my, she is stunning! :heart_eyes: I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much pattern on a house snake, that’s wild! And her colours are so bright and vibrant. Beautiful little noodle. Congrats!


Aren’t they? I saw my first one at a reptile show the better part of a year ago, and they were even younger than my girl now – just the tiniest little things. Incredibly cute.


Apricot from April – I love that, what a fantastic reason for a name!

I’m looking forward to getting to interact with Chester more (and taking and showing off pictures of course). I hope she’s a finger-curler too. Talk about the coolest accessory ring, lol


Right? I was so drawn by her pattern. I love her little angry eyebrows/horn markings. I suspect the pattern enhancement is the extreme gene albino, or possibly some crossing to April’s granite line (I’m still waiting on info about her parents).

If you like house snakes with strong patterns, you should check out the Oreo line from Ultimate Exotics. They’ve selectively bred for a strong dorsal line and very round side-splotches. They’re in South Africa though which is a little outside my reasonable purchase range, ha!


I’m not super familiar with all the various house snake species and morphs, but Chester is definitely the brightest and most patterned I’ve seen, she’s so gorgeous!

I love house snakes, but I think if I were to get one, I’d try to get a subadult/adult, because teeny tiny noodles make me super nervous. I’m so worried I’ll overlook a gap they can escape through, or, like, accidentally snap their spine if I twitch wrong while handling them. :grimacing: I have a KSB, but I got her as an adult. Her previous owner said she was the size of a pencil when he got her. I’m so glad I didn’t have her at that size! I appreciated how sturdy my blood python was as a baby. :joy:


Oh yeah there’s a big difference between STP’s (Blood) and teensy weensy little house snake noodles! So Jennifer you would most definitely be looking for a more mature HS!

I think house snake babies are even smaller than baby corns! My little Apricot tries to make himself look big and reticee (retic) :joy: but he surrenders as soon as I scoop him up!

Psst! Don’t tell anyone but I am seriously considering blood…… ssshhhhh! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


So tiny, so adorable. Seems like young house snakes are about the size of tiny corns, like some of the twins I’ve had. Itty bitty bits of cute wonderfulness!


I won’t tell… but you did ! :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Yeah, I think STPs are thicker and heavier straight out of the egg than a house snake is as a mature adult. :joy: Maybe that’s subconsciously part of the reason why I’m generally drawn to larger species. Even as babies, they’re not quite so delicate or escape-prone as smaller snake species.

But house snakes are so cool. I probably will try to get an older one at some point. House snakes and hognoses are definitely at the top of my “little snakes” list.

(You should definitely get a blood python. I won’t tell. :joy:)


I totally get it. I admit I was like “oh my god, how am I going to safely pick up this snake in my huge ape hands” when I saw in person how tiny she was, but I suspect that gets easier with practice. And honestly, I really like the smallness – they’re like tiny jewels. It’s the appeal of miniatures, I think. There’s wonder in those tiny details.

And, hey, I’m a pretty small person in a pretty small house; I don’t think I could handle the really excitingly big snakes. I find them cool as heck, but from a practicality standpoint I think the little guys are for me!


I’ll look the other way as long as you promise to post pics. :wink: Bloods are so, so pretty. Those reds! Those oranges! I’m a sucker for it.