Pastel Vanilla or Fire Het Desert Ghost?

Hey guys,

Can you help this new snake mom out?
I bought my first ball python Mr. Bubbles four weeks ago and I’m wondering if you can help me ID him!

The breeder said he is a Pastel Vanilla or a Fire Het Desert Ghost
Mother: Fire Vanilla
Father: Pastel Leopard Desert Ghost

Really looking forward to your input and expertise!
Thanks in advance


Do you have better pictures of the snake’s belly and side pattern? It honestly looks pastel yellowbelly to me, which I know wasn’t in the pairing but the flaming and kinda wacky pattern looks similar to me. That said, based on the genes known, I would say pastel vanilla.

However - he doesn’t honestly look bright enough to be fire or vanilla. Did the breeder provide you with pics of mom? If she is in fact a vanilla cream (fire and vanilla) it will be very obvious, but I wonder if he has her mis-IDed.


It would have to be het DG as the father was a visual. It is for sure a pastel but I am not seeing vanilla or fire. I have a feeling that mom may have been mislabeled.

So as of now, I would say pastel het DG


If the two options are:

  1. Pastel Vanilla
  2. Fire Het Desert Ghost

and assuming the parents’ ID’s are correct, then the baby is DEFINITELY Fire Het Desert Ghost.

See what I did there?

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That’s not what they meant though. Or how it works.

Vanilla and fire can be almost impossible to tell apart. The parent carrying both is allelic so the hatchlings can only be one or the other.
So the two options are:
Pastel fire het desert Ghost
Pastel vanilla het desert ghost
(Assuming the parents are labeled correctly)


Everyone seems to be misunderstanding the question here

The OP is asking, based on the listed pairing, which combination her animal is. It is one of the follow:

Pastel Vanilla het DG
Fire Pastel het DG

However, unfortunately for the OP, we cannot answer that question because Fire and Vanilla are too alike phenotypically to ID. The only way to know for sure would be through breeding - If you breed it to a Fire and get a BlkEL, the animal is a Fire Pastel (aka FireFly). If, on the other hand, you breed to a Fire and get a Scream then the animal is a Pastel Vanilla


(Aaaaaaaaaaaand it seems Christina types faster than me :crazy_face: :joy: _


Sorry Travis! Hahah. You’re still more thorough!

Still can’t say for sure…My bet is vanilla. But that’s just because of how pale my pastel super vanilla DG looks.


Thanks for all your input!

The breeder gave me a form with the information of his morph and the morphs of his parents. So I can only assume it’s correct as I bought him during an expo and the parents weren’t present.

I really appreciate the information you guys are giving me, (not that I have plans to breed) as I am just very curious about how genetics work.

Will provide better pictures soon!


Logical AND before logical OR.

What? I’m not sure what you’re saying here. The OP made it pretty clear what they were asking, instead of saying vanilla/fire, they said “vanilla or a fire” and gave parent ID’s. It’s not hard to infer what they meant, as odds are they were trying to understand how it was OR between those two genes.


Yes, assuming the pairing info is correct and the parents are correctly IDed, in my personal opinion it’s more likely to be vanilla than fire because vanilla, in my experience, can be more subtle than fire. Therefore, I would say more likely pastel vanilla het DG. That said, Travis is correct and we can’t tell you for sure.

However - I still don’t see either fire or vanilla, so I would definitely question the parent IDs, personally.


to be fair, when you are speed reading something before getting yelled at for doing something the “a” before the fire can really through you off

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All said above luckily, you’ll never know if vanilla or fire unless you breed.
But I will say baby is HET DG regardless of morph.
If dad was a visual then all babies will be HETS.


I really appreciate your help guys! Just some extra pics of my babyboy.

He is 7 months btw do you guys think he looks healthy? He is only 220 gram and gosh I never knew that I would be such helicopter mom :joy:


Looks great to me. Pretty little guy. =)


Looks healthy to me. You can’t always go be age and size. This depends on the snake itself and how often and what it is being fed.

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Well DG is a visual recessive so your snake HAS to be het desert ghost. With that, fire and vanilla are hard to tell apart and more people out there sell there snakes as possible fire/vanilla than confirmed fire/vanilla. I definitely see pastel however.

This leaves us with three options:

  • Pastel; Vanilla; Het DG
  • Pastel; Fire; Het DG
  • Pastel; Het DG
    Honestly I don’t really see much vanilla or fire in her. However, some snakes really just don’t show those traits at all until they get older. They are some of the few traits that actually get better as the snake ages.
    Editing this here: I forgot fire and vanilla are allelic so you can’t actually have a pastel het dg without either fire or vanilla. My guess would then be vanilla as it tends to be even more subtle than fire in babies. You never really know though, could still be fire.

With that being said, I would wait for him to shed and send that in for genetic testing. Test for vanilla and fire. This snake is clearly pastel so you do not need to check that. If you are willing to do it, you honestly just never know with expos if you got what you payed for especially when it includes hets and when your breeder doesn’t even tell you it’s guaranteed het desert ghost (which it is). So I would really send a test in for vanilla, fire, and desert ghost.

Now if you were honestly just curious and don’t really care much for what he is especially hets. I’d assume this is the case considering he’s your first. Then you could just take the info you got from here and say “cool” without testing at all. But whether you decide to test or not, he’s very pretty :slight_smile:

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Fire and vanilla are allelic. So if the mom is correctly IDed than in couldn’t be just pastel

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I added that in below as an edit. I only left it in because I talked a bit about how the mom could be misidentified. Especially given the original post where she said the breeder didn’t even confirm that the baby is het DG which it has to be if the father was correctly identified.

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