Pattern Disrupters

I luv Reba’s stripes! Others are Awesome too. :snake::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: pinstripes though.

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Yes. They’ve been mass produced as usual.

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The Fusion gene isn’t seen that much yet but what it does . It brightens the colors and it often gives a nice dorsal stripe. It also eliminates pattern completely in some combos. Only a few breeders have them currently waiting to see what the future holds for them .

Ha! I was sitting here looking at that pic saying to myself… “Why do those animals look awfully familiar?? :thinking:


Never fear :bat: , I will always do my very best to give credit where I can.

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As affordable genes I really love leopard, ghi, bamboo and pied. If bamboo was not in the bel-complex and I already have a lot from this complex I would have for shure bought one. In pieds I don’t only love the white with coloured patches but also the whole patern of de colored part, so I even love the low white pieds. Then there is the stranger gene and the monsoon, but unless prices really drop, or I win the state lottery I don’t think I will own one in the near future.


I am in the same boat. Even a het is $2k+


And the moray, which is virtually the same is not even for sale yet. They discovered it in 2017 so they are not even breeding with that one yet. Hopefully when they start breeding the moray and it’s ofspring also hit the market prizes will drop. But Most likely that will still take many years to happen.

They have hets for sale, and it’s a project I personally know one of the big time guys is working on. We were debating between monsoon and moray, and he’s going to be pairing the het moray to his visual monsoon next year to try and prove it out. He thinks it’s compatiable, but I don’t think it’s monsoon.
The patterns looks different to me. I’m on that waitlist for the hets to be available, and I know they’ll start letting small time buyers get them starting around July.


I haven’t seen any mention of Piebald (my personal favorite), Champagne, Paint complex, or BEL complex.

I wouldn’t have even considered piebald as a pattern disrupter.
It’s more like a pattern eater ha-ha


Well, sort of, though it’s easy to tell Piebald even in no/low-white pieds because [drumroll] it disrupts pattern
(Not my pic)


Even poss hets would make my wallet sad. If I could have just one high end morph like monsoon I’d go with sunset

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Any particular reason?

I’m going to have to eat my own words because I remember that I said they weren’t my favorite but after seeing the possibilities I’m fairly interested in it now. I like how it changes pattern so drastically

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I did mention pied and totally agree. Besides the coloured patches on the white I really love the pattern in the coloured parts. It indeed really changes it. Am planning on one last pied het albino male and really would’t mind a low white one because of the messed up pattern. Just love it.

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yes, a monsoon in my collection is a dream. just can’t afford them.

You lucky woman if you can get your hands on one !! I’ll be really jealous :weary: :grin:

I’ll be very curious to hear the result of that pairing. I red on the website of the breeder who discovered the Moray that they had a very long talk with the breeder who discovered the monsoon and they didn’t find any connection or family relationship between the monsoon and Moray. I kind of hope they are compatible and we don’t end up with the confusion of two almost similar looking genes but another line again, unless they really behave different in combos.


for me it’s Clown ALL THE WAY

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I’m a big fan of Static