Not really had much practice at this…(My head isn’t in the right place ATM…anyways)
so this is a Halmahera giant geckos eye (Gehyra marginata) They really aren’t all that giant but still. I love their green peepers
I expect these to get better as I practice with the new gear. Not over impressed ATM, however I need to give it time and a lot more practice.
@welshmorphology Your pictures are 100% FAR BETTER than you give yourself credit for. We are always our own worst critics. You ALWAYS create some of the most amazing, awe inspiring photos i have ever seen and should be extremely proud of your work. Hold that head up high you are amazing!
Macro isn’t a setting on my camera. I shoot in manual. The lens is a 105mm with a bellows on.
These are single shots. I hope to be able to get better depth to them as I go
I am an artist at heart. Sadly as my bipolar/schizoaffective got worse I no longer had the concentration or headspace for it anymore. As the meds got upped, the tremors followed. I used to take photos to draw from. I can’t really draw anymore sadly, so adopted photography as my new art form.
Being an “Artist” I am so self critical. However if I am not self critical how will I learn to get better? This has been my driving force as a self taught…technophobe!! I still don’t really understand all the techno mumbo jumbo or photography rules and settings…I find composing a shot VERY easy, second nature and I taught myself to use manual. Basically I’ve been winging it these last years haha. My only saving grace is that I come from an arty family. Things like photoshop type programmes are a BIG SCARE to me, they make me sweat and have made me cry…So I just try and get it right in the shot and don’t rely on editing.
I don’t really know what I want until I see it…if that makes sense. I will know when I have reached that level. Until then PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND PRACTICE
Yes of course…Sorry it just seemed like when you said “she uses macro” and not “she uses a macro lens” like a setting as found on a phone
I do of course use a macro lens… A lens capable of reproduction ratios of at least 1:1, although it often refers to any lens with a large reproduction ratio, despite rarely exceeding 1:1. Having said that I also use this lens for portrait too so it doesn’t just do macro. It is a prime lens not a zoom lens e.g. 18-55mm. This is a 105 with manual focus so I can zoom in a bit bit it’s more focus than zoom if you get me.
People often ask about the setting…they assume I put it in some kind of “macro mode” my camera doesn’t have that option…those that do and phones are just preloaded settings. For me this wouldn’t work as I need to be in manual and telling the camera what to do, not it tell me what it wants to if you know what I mean. People just think there is some type of magic macro setting
No of course not I did not assume that you use your phone for pictures. I assume you use a macro lens. I love photography also, so when I say macro, probably doesn’t mean the same thing everybody. Lol
It’s cool. It can just sometimes confuse people…heck photography confuddles the heck outta me haha.
I don’t own a mobile phone…I detest them!! I know I’m one of those weirdos who doesn’t own a phone or a TV set.
I, (EYE) hope to get some more eye practice very soon <3 so will share
It’s not weird at all, some people just find different forms of entertainment, and ways to live life. Personally I don’t even watch TV anymore, everything on there is so chaotic. I just enjoy my reptiles.
thankyou for your kind words <3
Being self critical has got me this far, I need that little kick up the behind sometimes to keep going. For me it’s very much a mental thing…I have to be in the right frame of mind…