Proven out het Dark Matter allelic with Albino/Candy (new recessive)

I made a post over a year ago regarding the Dark Matter gene where i mentioned that we had made some dbl het Pied Dark Matter or dbl het Pied Albino offspring from pairing a Pinstripe Pied that was paired to one of our visual dbl het Dark Matter Albino (aka Dark Sun) girls.

This year I paired a male from from that clutch to a visual Black Pastel Albino and that male has proved out to be dbl het Dark Matter Pied :exploding_head:

We hit
3 Black Pastel Dark Suns (2 still in the egg) (visual dbl het dark matter albino)
2 Dark Suns (visual dbl het dark matter albino)
1 black Pastel het Albino
1 het Albino
All poss het Pied

I have attached a picture of the whole clutch, a picture of the sire and a picture of the first Black Pastel Dark Sun that is out.

This is a massive landmark as it is even more evidence that the Dark Matter gene is allelic with Albino/Candy

We are still shed testing animals from last year and im sure that pretty soon we will be able to show the Dark Matter gene isolated.