Rate My Enclosure Community Edition

Oo flowers might be nice! Something white, I’m getting… Maybe like a light cream color. Possibly small in bunches or medium with some vine style foliage.

And thanks! My main struggle right now is finding a way to make more of that vertical real estate in a way that doesn’t stifle my creativity. I’d love advice on that from just about anyone at this point lol.

What do you think about one of those magnetic ledges?
They add a bit of vertical enrichment, though they aren’t necessarily great perches for semi arboreals, since there’s nothing for them to easily wrap around.
I like the easy install and movement of it. It’s not like those frustrating fake bamboo rods or classical arboreal pvc perches which have to go horizontally across the enclosure (in most cases) which in my opinion really restricts the design freedom of the enclosure in a really big way. I’ve also thought about climbing vines as well. correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s not really that strong, right? Like a panther chameleon is pretty sizable and it can handle that, but compared to medium/large sized arboreal pythons, chameleons can look light. Wouldn’t it collapse from the weight of my snake as he grows?

If only they had ovular or semicircle magnetic branches you could install on a single enclosure wall to build visually aesthetic & creative climbing enrichment. You could make it like fixed climbing rungs… that would be cool! Kinda like chameleon vine, except fixed and mountable like a floating crested gecko hide.

Anyway yeah this kinda stuff escapes me for right now, but I’d love to get him something tall one day and i wanna learn how to utilize that space in a way so that both him and i can be happy!

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Yes lol that is Lady Rainicorn and she is Monty’s ‘toy’.

Not all of my snakes have toys. I buy them when i find one that matches my snakes personality.

I don’t think he really cares for it but i love it, lol.

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That is so funny that you mention it as a “toy” as I do the same kinda thing. If you look at my enclosures, you will notice that everyone has a toy structure beside who’s in q. I just love to add detail and make the enclosures their own by adding something like that.

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Just an update on this one, it’s had quite a bit of growth since I left it alone.


Wow it is beautiful! I love how it has grown in.


Began working on this January 2023

After multiple changes and additions


I’ve been working on a zen habitat enclosure for Dav since December, but everything that could go wrong or cause there to be a pause in this project has happened, so just now am I even close to finishing it.


This is the “Fern Garden” enclosure I have made for my very shy Black House Snake, Sangfroid. For scale, that little Buddha on the aquarium hide rock is about two inches tall. All the “bracken” is Sphagnum moss, and underneath it is a lot of one inch tubing in sections so as to make a sort of maze of tunnels he can cruise through.

There’s under tank heat to provide varying warmth pockets under the little aquarium rock hide, which is stuffed with mosses to provide snug burrowing spaces. There’s also a cooler hide/humidity hide under moss to the far right side.

The whole thing is floored in a mix of sphagnum and coco fiber soil, which holds humidity really well in my climate, while being dryer on the surface. The little light is a weak Grow-light that provides a smidge of UVB- he is nocturnal and doesn’t “need” it, but just in case it helps, it’s there.

Someday I’d love to give him a bioactive version of this, but until I am a vastly better gardener, this will do.


This is still kinda WIP so changes my be made, but this is my bp’s new enclosure.


I love it! I really like all the wood and structures you add to beef up the appearance.


Brazilian rainbow boa enclosure 4’x2’x2’


I appreciate the fact that it’s a pvc for a rainbow boa, but I would get a much larger water feature in there and add much more coverage. More plants, more wood, just more everything. And I’d add some height to the enclosure because it’s always good for any snake to have that opportunity for exercise. Also, welcome! I see it’s your first time. Thank you so much for choosing to have your first post to be in one of my topics!



One of the BRB enclosures.


Update to Brazilian rainbow boa enclosure


I love what you’ve done with it! The leaf litter and extra cover adds so much.


Heres a picture of Dracos enclosure. Ever since i made his enclosure bioactive and put a che for more heat he has been so happy and active. He loves digging underneath his stump a lot. Im also planning on trying out some different plants in his enclosure soon that he will probably end up eating lol. I just put that aloe in cause he ate the other one and hes already taken several bites out of it :joy:


I love that stump thing in the right corner. Did you make that, or might I be able to purchase one of my very own?


Got it at petco i think. You can definitely find it buts it’s like $40.


Ugh, my local Petco sucks, they never seem to have anything in stock. Maybe I’ll check their website. Thanks! I’ve been looking for cool, larger pieces like that.