Rate My Enclosure Community Edition

Not the best picture, but I decided to redo my sarasinorum’s cage today since he wasn’t using much of the previous layout. I haven’t wanted to commit to a permanent background in it since he could really use an upgrade to a bigger cage soon.

The top right corner needed some extra cover, but I don’t really have any live plants that suit the spot, please pardon the fake one :rofl:


I quite enjoy the cluttered look of it all. And the sparse planting helps bring attention to the hardscape. 7/10


It’s aesthetically really well composed, but I love how the strong lines of the wood pieces are also more importantly a lot of jungle-gym for your gecko to explore all over, at many levels, high up or low down, and then the plants and leaf litter add places to hide or be slightly concealed.
Form AND function, just what I like in a terrarium!

I’m no experienced terrarium builder but I used to work on film sets! I might be a little into the diorama effect or aesthetic of a good enclosure, secondary after the needs of the animal of course. What delights me is when one can do BOTH at once, a fine art!


This is one for our crestie. We wanted easier cleanup and easier to maintain, so we went with paper towels for base and fake plants. We do keep one side and half of front and back covered (I removed it for the picture), so there is a darker side for hiding.

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Alright, so this is an enclosure I just acquired not too long ago that was planted and overwatered, and left closed and completely alone since, about two years ago. I pulled miles of overgrown vine out and replanted what I wanted, but overall this thing took a lot of work. I’m probably not done yet, since this is from after 5 or 6 different occasions where I made changes and additions and said to myself I was done. It needs to grow out and renaturalize itself some, and then I can think about using it.


Ooo! I have two new ones! Or one new one and some upgrades.

Evy got a huge enclosure upgrade! This is the first time I’ve created a bio enclosure from scratch. Lights will go in in a few days so she can adjust as she’s already a bit overwhelmed. Same with the background since she’s always been against a blank wall. Baby steps. :blush:

Our lumpy boy got some new plants that needed more humidity than they were getting in the living room. :blush:


For my trio of Opheodrys aestivus


Wow. Just wow. That is absolutely stunning. You and your animals are very lucky!


Wow! You have your own piece of jungle there!

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Here is my crested geckos enclosure!


Dumpster fire thermo/hygrometer gang let’s gooo!!


The layering is so neat i love it

Holy guacamole got any more forest you can fit in there? :joy:
Your animals must be spoiled rotten! It’s gorgeous. :star_struck:

Hoo boy! That’s a BEAUT!

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I am not nearly as talented as you folk. My nicest looking enclosure is still in a glass terrarium :woozy_face: no cover on any of the sides :woozy_face: and sterile as can be. :woozy_face: (I’ve got what they call a ‘brown thumb’ so bioactive is out of the question.)

But enjoy nonetheless:

I mean, I’m proud of it. It’s cute.


Any enclosure can look amazing if it’s got a carpet python as beautiful as that inside it :grin:


I think it’s a beautiful tank! Lots of texture, things to climb and explore, all I’d add is maybe another branch or two in those front corner spaces because some Carpets are climbers , some fake flowers for aesthetic, and some paper around the back and side/s. You have a very nice look going!


I love your enclosure! I love to see the super rare unicorn :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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Thank you, I worked very hard setting up this cage. So worth it!


Thank you! He certainly is a showpiece in my reptile room.

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