Reptile Room Updates

I just wanted to share my room with you guys, a lot of upcoming projects as you may see, I have some videos/photos of how the current enclosures and racks were built, in case anyone wants to see it. (although not sure if it’ll be too big to upload)
I’ll love to see what your reptile room looks like, anything counts, don’t be shy, my room is not what it use to be, and still isn’t what I wanted to look like, we all start somewhere so please share. :pray:t3:. Let’s have some fun!!!
(Is there a way to upload videos?)


I love it!!! Ill have to take pics of my room… its all sorta of messy and disorganized rn, ajd a constant work in progress

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@jr_reptiles_and_exotics Looks great! What’s the body count in a room like that? How many are breeders? Jealous!

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Looks very cool and so organized! :smiley:

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Heres my hot mess of a room.

Im slowly getting organized.


That’s what a reptile room is all about, trust me, this is after a great afternoon of picking up and organizing :joy:


I have 1 female conda het albino western hognose, leopard geckos 3.3 breeders, as of right now 4 aptor offsprings, a pair of giant day geckos, a pair of peacock day geckos and a tokay, when season hits, I get about 25-30 leo offsprings depending on how many I paired. Right now I have two clutches of the giant day geckos incubating.


I’m jealous of your space, I share the office with my fiancé, although I got most of the are covered, sometimes I feel bad for her lol.


I wish I could have a reptile room. I really have more of a reptile wall. All of my reptiles are in my bedroom.


Same lol! I love to look at them.


That rooms gone thru a few massive updates. I needed a room wjere i could.close the doors so the cats couldnt get in. To date they habe cause… 3 escapes? :thinking::thinking: once when samson lost his tail and was gone for a week. I thought hed been eaten. Then twice one of my a-hole cats jumped on a lid and broke it, and caused tonic to get out.

I have plans to get another wire shelf so i can put the bigger enclosure sitting along that one wall in one spot.

Kane and ace are out in the living room, so tlweve got two more big enclosures you dont see.


Don’t lose hope, we all started there, trust me. I used to have 3 10 gallons with my first adults until I decided to start breeding them so I had to build rack systems etc.

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you just need to get creative with organizing the enclosures. I started building my racks using 3/4’’ plywood, done a lot of measurements to ensure one stand can fit multiple enclosures stacked than just primed and painted, or use some outdoor paint that can hold a bit of humidity.

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you have a lot of potential space that if use properly you could fit all that in one wall.

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Oh yeah, I’ll definitely make one some day. Just not now. I may renovate my basement some day to hold reptiles.


That’s the spirit, can’t wait to move out of Fl to have a basement all for myself :joy:


I bought a new wire shelving unit. Gonna pick up today and hopefully assemble and get the glass tanks on it tonight. If im smart about it i could potentiaply tirn the two units into 3. Nit aire i need to rn though.


Awesome :clap:t3:. Post it when you get it done.

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Had an issue with the shelf so im waiting to get the right sized one. For now i did a little rearranging. Also finally got the tv in i ordered a while back. Now ill never need to leave the reptile room! Rearranged some enclosures to put the tv where i wanted. Eventually ill get a mount for the wall, but had some car issues and now ive gotta save up for a new car. (Stupid engines).

Eventually id like to get doors on those cabinet faces so i can hide my storage.


Yall remember when i said i was gonna get another shelving unit? Its here and currently im rearranging the reptile room.

It always gets worse before it gets better.