Reptiles you'll never get

Is it because that baby crocodile would turn into a giant crocodile? unless you got a dwarf croc or some other crocodilian like a dwarf caiman. even then it will be really big though, and they could easily bite your hand off.

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Reptiles I will never get, but probably would under different circumstances…
Because I currently live in Florida with no plans of moving until the kids are out of the house, Locality Dwarf Retic and a Tegu (if I could talk my wife into a lizard dog)

On the large snake discussion, I had a female Burmese named, Salome, throughout high school (early 90s prior to the wonders of the internet). Very calm, easy to handle, typical Burm.
One day after school, I was lazy and was in a rush to take care of some minor cage maintenance when she was about 9.5ft and she grabbed my forearm. I was home alone at the time. I am a big guy (at that point, probably, 6’2" 260lb & actively weight lifting) and I still remember wrestling with that snake to try to keep her from getting any more coils on my arm.

Attempting the few tricks I had read about to get her to release while trying to manager her body… ha.

I was in no real danger because it was my arm and she wasn’t that big yet, but it made an impression… I never messed with her when I was alone in the house again.

I went out of state for college and gifted Salome to a guy who had a snake collection in the back of his hardware shop about 30min away from my parent’s house. He had 2 room-size-enclosure setups for giant snakes. Last time I saw her, she was over 16ft and quite happily perched on tree limbs that were bolted into the walls of her room. Imagining what an accidental feeding response bite would be like at that size cured me of wanting anymore giant snakes.

My biggest snakes currently are a 4+ ft female Solomon Island Ground boa and a 1.5yr old Sonoran BI who will hopefully max out around 5ft when he hits adulthood. No more pets that can accidentally kill me if either of us make a mistake.
So… to the original question posted, all the giant-heavily muscled snakes, lethal venomous, and a lot of the Monitors (no matter how cool I think they are).


Yes, I too hope one day dragons are discovered somewhere lol.


Can we revive this thread? I love Alligator snappers, such fascinating prehistoric animals. For obvious reasons I would never have one. Unless I can get a dedicated pond :thinking:

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Well as of rn venomous and retics just because of space with the retics and just the the safety of my family with venomous

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