Sand Boa Traits - Category upgrade! [DONE] [1556]

In preparation to promote Sand Boas to a top level category, we need to build a trait list for the genes and combos.

For each of these, we need to know what kind of gene it is (recessive/incdom/dom) OR what combination of genes represent it.

Please add anything that is missing or correct me where I am wrong.

If you know anyone that work with Sand Boas, send them a link to this thread and ask them to help out.


Central Asia Sand Boa - Eryx elegans

Javelin Sand Boa - Eryx jaculus

Arabian Sand Boa - Eryx jayakari

Indian Sand Boa - Eryx johnii

Dwarf (Russian) Sand Boa - Eryx miliaris~

Black Russian Sand Boa - Eryx miliaris nogaiorum

Tartar Sand Boa - Eryx tataricus

Kenyan Sand Boa - Gongylophis colubrinus

Rough-Scaled Sand Boa - Gongylophis conicus

Saharan Sand Boa - Gongylophis muelleri

axanthic /anery
paradox albino
Blonde Albino
Gene X paint

stripe - no super

Stockwell nuclear
Thermo Nuclear
Cal Flame
Extreme red Dodoma flame BPUK Line
P3 Anery
holloway reduced pattern - hrp

combo names
Snow - albino/anerythristic
Snow Paradox - albino paradox/anerythristic
Ghost - anerythristic/hypomelanistic
Anerythristic Splash - anerythristic/splash
Nuclear Meltdown - Nuclear/Dodoma
Picasso - Paint/ Splash
Jenny Paradox Bell (JPB) - bell/paradox albino

Tiger - Rufescens X Kenyan. The non-stripes are referred to as Tigers to identify that they have the Rufescens blood in them.

Canary Dodoma
Peach flame


I have not personally worked with it yet but I believe GX is a simple recessive trait that should be included.


I agree that GX should be included and listed as recessive. Flame is not a dominant/inc-Dominant trait. It is line bred. Also, I may be wrong but I believe that Axanthic and Anery are not separate traits, just two names for the same thing. I would also add HRP (Holloway Reduced Pattern), which is recessive. There are also a few localities which should be included: Egyptian, Rufescens and Dodoma. Granite and Extreme Red are line bred traits. If appearances like this are being included, then Canary (a line bred appearance) should be included as well. There are no known complexes in KSB.


I concur with @westridge on the anery vs. axanthic subject within Kenyan Sand Boas. I have seen axanthic and anerythristic used interchangeably (although scientifically they’re different terms) but as far as I am aware they are used to describe the same trait. The more commonly accepted description is anerythristic (anery) in the hobby though.

The title and tags are also just listed as “sand boas”, so would the category upgrade include not only the popular Kenyan Sand Boa but also the other not as common sand boa species: rough-scaled sand boa, Indian smooth scaled sand boa, Russian sand boa, and Saharan sand boa? I’m sure I’m missing some but those are among the other sand boa species I’ve seen pop up on the market.


Agree on the anery axanthic topic. Things look good. Will enjoy seeing sand boas separated so I will not have to wade through Kenyans while looking for the others.


The Dodoma flame WT (warren Treacher) line is referred to as cal flame.

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Anery mean lacking red pigment. Black and white Axanthic means lacking yellow.

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I agree with the majority that Axanthic and Anery are sometimes used interchangeably. The most frequently used is Anery, Anerythristic. I have talked to Jeff Holloway about the HRP and he was hesitant to call it recessive. I believe that it is more accurately described as a line bred trait.

Warrens flame line are the Cal Flames.


Blonde albino is another albino that should be in recessive.
Thermo Nuclear is line bred
Nuclear meltdown is a Nuclear and a Dodoma cross.
You can likely just group the two subspecies of Russians together as they are not seperated as such in the trade. Only has black, super Black Russians, cinnamon Russians and recessive albino. I’d speak with Rufus Darden regarding them.

If I’m not mistaken, rough scales are still classified under Eryx conicus but I could be mistaken.

Hypo Bell line albinos in theory could be called sun glows but usually just termed hypo albino.

Pearl is hypo and paradox albino.

Warren coined the term “Picasso” for a paint splash double recessive and has kind of stuck though Jeff Holloway originally produced one.

Incomplete dominates could also include granite, patternless and aberrant. They can also be two at once meaning you can have a granite stripe etc.

Rough scales have high orange line bred and also caramel line bred? You’d have to speak with Scott Miller.
I’m sure this might be missing a lot of info a d there’s still likely other stuff that needs included


P3 is a line bred by tommy Hill. Type of Anery.

Instead of putting “orange” Dodoma you could just say Dodoma. The other dodomas distinguish it from that.

Neon is a newer genetic by Jeff Holloway. Recessive but I’m un sure what all is going on with that one. Definitely albino maybe two types of albinism.


So I have to agree hrp I’m sure isn’t classed as recessive but more a line bred trait as you only have hrp if your able to physically prove the snakes lineage to one of Jeff’s lines. The anery axanthic battle has been something that has got me a few times in the hobby and in sand boas especially it does seem to be both terms are used for one gene.


I’m leaning toward P3 being more recessive than line bred. It has only been around 3 years so I haven’t been able to do very many pairings as of yet but both parents were normal looking when paired to other sand boas their babies were normal looking. Also pairing a visual P3 back to its mother produced more P3 babies. I hopefully will know more this upcoming year.


The name Neon is now being contested as someone else had been working on the project longer than Jeff Holloway who came up with that name. He has told her she has the right to name them as she proved to him she had been working on it longer. I don’t believe that Warren has named the Paint/Splash combo Picasso I believe that is what he named his snake. As far as combos go you would have to put every other morph with Splash, Paint, Stripe and Gene X (aka GX) so everyone with Snow, Albino, Anery, and Albino. Also for Localities you could add Egyptians. Not sure how to list it but when crossing to a stripe you get stripes and normals many refer to the normals as Rufescen crosses or some Tigers. Some of the normals can have a tiger like pattern but many do not. Oh there is no mention of Rufescens they are classified as the same thing as Kenyans but when crossed to Kenyans you get stripes. Not sure what category they should be placed in as some still produce pure Rufescens. I know I am jumping around but Nuclears can be other morphs as well like a Nuclear Albino. All true Nuclears come from Roy Stockwell he is the originator and did all the work for them. Canary is usually a term to describe a yellow Dodoma. I personally am not familiar with there being a line of Extreme Red sand boas out there.

There are also morphs of some of the other species of sand boas as well. Like Albino and Cinnamon Russians. There are Caramel Rough-scales and there is a guy working with a couple of more like striped. There are Sunset and Ghost Indian Sand Boas. Plus there are Persian Sand Boas which are similar to Indians.


I agree with almost everything above, and it appears that the preliminary work is very thorough. In regards to black and silver animals, they are scientifically Axanthic (i.e lacking xanthrophores or yellow pigmentation). Generally snakes are considered to have a based of yellow or red pigmentation. Anery (aka anerythristic or lacking erythrophores) would be used for animals that have a primrily red color pigment (i.e Boas, milk snakes, corn snakes, sand boas in my opinion, etc).


Flames I dont believe will go in the Inc-dominance either babies can be influenced by it like dodomas but I dont believe you can get flames from crossing it to anything other than another flame. Also forgot to put other combos including paradox such as stripes and paints.


Note: This is a copy/paste of the original list with suggestions, in an effort to collaborate. I hope this progresses the list development. I am assuming this original list is only for Kenyan Sand Boa morphs. They do not include the other subspecies.


axanthic /anery (Axanthic may be accurate, however anery is conventionally used among the KSB community)

paradox albino


Blonde Albino




Gene X paint Gene X Paint is a combo of Gene X and Paint. Gene X may be recessive. Could get a consensus from Jeff Holloway, Jennifer Elliot, Pamela Radsliff, and Warren Treacher. “GX” notation could prevent the “Gene X Paint” from being interpreted as a cross.


Neon This is a combo of paradox albino (VPI line) and albino (Bell line). Another competing/synonymous name for this morph is JPB. Consult Jennifer Elliot and Jeff Holloway.

Flame Old name for Dodoma. Not a proven recessive.

Note : Add “Vanishing.” Consult Ken Leach.


stripe - no super





Stockwell nuclear

Thermo Nuclear

Dodoma flame BPUK Line Is this a line from a breeder in the UK?

Dodoma flame WT Line - Cal Flame “Cal Flame” denotes Warren Treacher Dodoma line

Extreme red Dodoma flame BPUK Line What is this?

Nuclear Same as Stockwell nuclear

Flame Is an old name for Dodoma in the U.S.

Extreme red What is this?

Canary A variation of Dodoma

P3 Anery. Consult Tommy Hill. Seems to have recessive inheritance pattern.

holloway reduced pattern – hrp. Consult Jeff Holloway directly.

Peach flame What is this? Hypoerythristic (recessive)?

combo names

Snow - albino/anerythristic

Note : Add Paradox Albino Paint, Paradox Snow Paint, Paradox Albino Stripe, Paradox Snow Stripe, Anery Stripe, Albino Stripe, Snow Stripe?

Note : Add Neon or JPB. Consult Jeff Holloway and Jennifer Elliot.



Tiger - Rufescens X Kenyan. The non-stripes are referred to as Tigers to identify that they have the Rufescens blood in them.


Flames are separate from Dodoma, if im not mistaken, its a locality thing. Cal flames came from crossing a Dodoma and a flame. Flames do not display the same reduced pattern on the body and head. Also should we be putting morphs on this list that are not fully proven and understood? A s a community we are trying to not overcrowd the genetics with confusion like in other species. it seems to me throwing un proven and not understood genetics into the mix are doing just that. Also what is an aberrant? This is not a term I have heard of in sand boas. What is the genetics around the thermo nuclear. Ive been seeing a lot of this lately but haven’t been able to get a straight answer on what it is and where the lineage came from?


The thing to do here would be to have the trait named “axanthic” but give it a aliase of “anery”.
This means searching for either will give you same results.

Is there multiple paradox albino lines or is VPIs the only one?
If there is more, are they compatible?

Yes, BloodPythonsUK.

A duplicate of above, should have been removed.

So not a trait at all?

Thank you all guys!!

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Flame is a locality and is separate from dodoma.

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This is my proposal


Javelin Sand Boa - Eryx jaculus

Arabian Sand Boa - Eryx jayakari

Indian Sand Boa - Eryx johnii

Russian Sand Boa - Eryx miliaris nogaiorum

Tartar Sand Boa - Eryx tataricus

Kenyan Sand Boa - Gongylophis colubrinus

Rough-Scaled Sand Boa - Gongylophis conicus

Saharan Sand Boa - Gongylophis muelleri



paradox albino
Albino Bell
Blonde Albino

stripe - no super

Cal Flame

Its simple and to the point. All other variations can fall into the parent category until fully proven or understood as a separate morph. Yes I agree that there are other projects out there that are awesome and will become something amazing to add but when their proven and understood until then they fall into a parent category that describes there dominant morph.

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