Gene Request Form
Facts The Shadow gene was first recognized by Southern Star Reptiles in 2014 and first released to the public in September of 2022.
Species: Ball Python
Name of Gene: Shadow
First produced by whom: Southern Star Reptiles
Year First Produced: 2014
Genetics Type: Incomplete Dominant
In complex with other genes?: Chocolate complex
Other names/aliases for it?: none
Description: A darkening gene with some pattern manipulation.
Appearance; Overall darker with animal
- Head: Dark with a highlight at the back of the head
- Body: Dark with black outlines around the pattern and granite in the pattern.
- Belly: Clear
- Tail: Normal
Proven Lines: Southern Star Reptiles
Related Genes: Chocolate
Proven: Southern Star Reptiles has been working with the gene since 2014 and has proven it to be a separate gene. The original Shadow Lesser came from an animal purchased as a Chocolate (possible Super Chocolate). The original animal turned out to be a Shadow Chocolate, a super form, and produced either Chocolate or Shadow animals. Since then, we have produced the single gene by itself and a super version that is distinctly different than the original Chocolate Shadow or any Super Chocolate.
Unique: We have produced the single gene by itself and a super version that is distinctly different than the original Chocolate Shadow or any Super Chocolate.
Problems: None
History: We purchased a male Chocolate (possible Super Chocolate) in 2013. In 2014, we bred that animal to a Lesser female and produced Lesser Chocolates and Lesser something else (now called Shadow). The original male turned out to be a super form Chocolate Shadow.
Disagreement or Controversy: none
References here on the community: none
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