Show Off Your Cresties šŸ¤©

You so need to watch, so many Amazing ones!! :heart_eyes:

I also have other bits being done :smirk: Which I will be then doing other bits withā€¦
And omg the colour is being worked on today. It may be done today. :sob:

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I really canā€™t wait! Are you going to change your profile picture to it? It will take sometime to get used to that lol.

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I will be! BUT I donā€™t think youā€™ll be Toooo confused by itā€¦
Though itā€™s taken a while to get used to to others here changing thereā€™s I will sayā€¦:sweat_smile:

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I will probably never change mine even though I have one to be proud of (thanks @eaglereptiles) because my yellow over saturated pic of Kai is what I have had from the beginning.


Itā€™s funny how we recognise people by their picture and not the name isnā€™t it!
I do this with everyone, as soon as they changed I noticed them away and was some getting used too, even now I mess a couple up :woman_facepalming:t2::sweat_smile:

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Sameā€¦ changing profile pic should be illegal! :joy:

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I think it probably has to do with face recognition in psychology like how we recognize someoneā€™s face better then remember their name.


Ooooo new logo, canā€™t wait :grin:

I changed my profile pic a while back and so many people got confused. I wonā€™t be changing mine again :sweat_smile:


Angus is a bit shy, but comes out more and more often. Look at his beautiful eyes!!


See lol! That is what I am afraid of :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


Maybe doing a logo thread showing what your new logo will be before you change it might help?

Could even do a poll to see if people would prefer you to keep your current logo or update it.

You need to be happy with your logo but I agree changing logo can be confusing so should be limited, unless confusion is what your going for :sweat_smile:


I donā€™t think a Poll, at the end of the day itā€™s your choice if you want to change your image or not. If I decided I want bright pink with butterflies, yes itā€™s a big change but itā€™s up to me :blush:

If I didnā€™t have a logo I would be changing mine a lot to all my different Cresties and other reptiles like Iā€™ve done on other sites in the past. :joy:

When done I will post up here though when changing so people can see the new me :sweat_smile:


How everyone enjoying the :sunny:

Finally nice weather in the uk :rofl:

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Itā€™s been great weather :sunny: Looks like next week might be not so great where I am though :cloud:

Turns out the eggs were duds. Iā€™ve weighed Kona and popped her back in with Milkyway, although there has been no courtship noises yet :pensive:

Oh donā€™t, Kirsty said the same! :sob:

To be honest I donā€™t know if Naruto has touched Akira again either :upside_down_face:
Iā€™m like boy, look how pretty she is! Youā€™re lucky you have her! :joy:
I was literally talking to him earlier and the other half just stared at meā€¦ I am normal I swearā€¦

Give Milkway a talk too, may help :smile:

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Within seconds of Milkyway being paired to Vanilla there was noises etc but nothing with Kona and I paired them last night!

Maybe she wants a fella with experience, or maybe sheā€™s too intimating for Milkyway.

They are quite happily cohabiting though :upside_down_face:

Maybe its something to do with the weather lol

Well maybe the first time she was like, back away!

And touch wood this time works! :crossed_fingers:t2:

Itā€™s been white hot, a lot of mine have been off food and think itā€™s because itā€™s warmed right upā€¦ :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Yeah, same here. I have a couple that ALWAYS eat, but most of them stopped for majority of the week :woman_shrugging:

Hopefully they will get their appetite back soon :crossed_fingers:

I was REALLY hoping for eggs from these two but I may have to face the fact that they donā€™t want each other in that way (yet). If Strawberry is up to weight I might just have all three living together for a month or so to see how they get on. Kona doesnā€™t like moving about & maybe that might be the cause of it? But will see in a few weeks or so.

Iā€™m not a fan of leaving a male in an enclosure with females, but I havenā€™t actually tried it so would consider it

Some take time, someone I know has tried multiple males with a female and not been a lock at all :sweat_smile:

Each to their own, but even if they ā€˜lookā€™ fine. Youā€™ll eventually notice loss of weight, appetites etc.
Big Mama is amazing for holding weight even when paired to a male (left in) and laying too. BUT the males became an issue there and wasnā€™t fair.
Also not fair to be harassed non stop by a man :joy:

Crackers came to me as a pair with another male and my god they were both so slim! Though the guy though they were fine! In reality no, both underweight and she wasnā€™t eaten enough.

Then again Iā€™ve tried multiple times with pairings and Iā€™ve always thought of it unfair for them to stress all the time over either a male being near which can get them on edge or a female being near where they just want to mate job stop.

You may have just not seen a lock either, thatā€™s what Iā€™m assuming with my pairs and Iā€™ve not witnessed one! But Haise and pongo was only males who called right away. Didnā€™t see a lock there though.

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Yeah, Iā€™m not planning on permanently leaving him with the girlies but if I donā€™t see eggs after this time round then Iā€™m going to consider putting Milkyway in with the girlies for a few weeks onwards depending on weight etc just to see if itā€™s a nervous thing.

Think I might have to look for another Lilly White :thinking: