Show off your Isopods!

So I’m already getting zebras, dairy cows, and more of the orange ones we’ve already got.I think I’m getting 4 cultures, but I’m not sure.

I really want to get some powder blue and magic potion. Possibly dwarf tropical whites.

We’ve got a lot of bio enclosures to build, so it’s all downhill from here. :joy:


I’m looking to get zebras, Dalmatians, and dwarf whites next. And once I know the pak chongs I have are doing good and they’re stable I’m going to look into panda kings and rubber duckys. And cappuccinos are high up on my list but I probably won’t be getting those for a long while haha


Dwarf whites are awesome! So tiny and cute, we have them already though.
And dairy cows you’ll have fun with! So much variety comes from them :laughing:
Magic potions also, so so pretty! Love ours, not as bold as the dairy’s but that’s ok!

I’m looking forward to a few types. Waiting on the breeder we get ours from to say when more types in to go have a look, though we end up coming home with more or different so no point saying what I’d like :joy:


Looking forward to getting some Montenegro Clowns and some Porcellio sp. ‘Morocco’ to add to my collection.


Those are definitely high on my list! If you want another fast-breeding large Porcellio like Morocco, Porcellio bolivari is another great isopod. Mine breed like scabers :smile:


Hi! I am new to this website, but I have a few inverts that I will hopefully be able to show off over time!
If you would like some more info on any of my isopods I would be happy to answer any questions!

Porcellio bolivari bolivari


Yesterday I drove 4 hours round trip to pick up 7 new cultures!

P. Scaber “orange Dalmatian”

P. Pruinosus “orange pied”

P. Werneri

A. Maculatum “zebra”

A. Persccae “bumpy”

Philoscia “Thai tiger”

I also got dwarf whites


I picked up our three cultures on NYE. @madelines_morphs got a sneak peek already. :joy:

Dairy cows and p. Scaber (I think. The orange one kinda hitched a ride with the dairy cows. :joy:)


Nice! P. werneri has been on my list for a while now! They are just so crazy looking!


Nice! What other cultures did you get?

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Yeah me too! Might add those this year if funds permit.

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Yep. It always hurts me inside to spend $10+ on each “bug” that will only produce two small broods a year. I can’t fathom ever getting Helleria. And I can tell Helleria are going to be at very high prices for a very long time :grimacing:

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Haha, some here that I reeeaaaaallllyyy want, are 1 hard to find, and 2 they’re over £100 :joy:

Yeah I’ll wait :sweat_smile:


He knows me so well he labeled the containers for me. I just had to go down to check. :rofl:

-Porcellio Scaber
-Porcellio Laevis
-Cubaris Murina


They look unbelievable in person and the young ones have this awesome pattern

The only reason I was able to get these was because I drove to the breeder and they were nice enough to give me a group discount since I got so many cultures lol. Otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten them for a while.


Loving the isopods. Can’t wait til I go get some more :joy:
The other half has a big to collect in a month or 2 from him so I’m sure we will come back home with more again :woman_facepalming:t2:


Yeah. There is even an isolated morph for those that is crazy cool. I believe they are called Silverbacks.


Going to a reptile expo here in a couple of weeks, so I know I’ll be looking for a couple of breeders that are often vending at these shows. I picked up a couple of colonies for a new chameleon enclosure here awhile back and he threw in an L. parahybana sling as a freebie.


Yes I’ve seen those they are stunning!

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You got to be so happy :grin:

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