Show off your Isopods!

It is time for me to get back on track with posting my ever-growing isopod collection.

Today’s special is Porcellio sp. “Spikey Canare”!

Uploading: Spikee 2.jpg…
They are a little less significant than I would like, but as they grow I have heard their spikes get more prominent. Right now they are young and just look like juvenile scabers with the naked eye. Zoom in for the spikes. :slight_smile:


Those are awesome! I love the spiky species!


Yep! The spikey species really catch my eye. I noticed someone in my area that kept them and I couldn’t resist getting some! Hopefully we find some new morphs and mine grow so they don’t just look like bumpy scabers for long :slight_smile:


Maybe you could try to line breed them to get the longest/most prominent spikes?


Yep, that will definitely be a big priority of mine for when they really start up. That would be awesome, along with possibly any other mutations that show up. I would also like to do that with Tuberillo borneonus if I ever end up rationalizing purchasing them. :slight_smile:

This Porcellio sp. is rather unexplored, so I am excited to see what pops up in the culture. :slight_smile:


Love them, wish I picked up last time.
The guy had a few ‘spikey’ ones too…

Defo need to go see him again, I’ll get the other half to ask what he has now :sweat_smile:


You know you will lol :joy:


Though I’m totally obsessed with my dairy cow’s. I think they’ll forever be the fav. Some here are Massive!! I didn’t know at first how big they can get :joy:
They’re in a few vivs here too with the Cresties, and some are in with the fat tails, and they are huge!
Turns out they don’t eat them so they’ve gotten very big…


Ember bees and tricolours are on my list.

Though harder to get here in the uk :sob:


I know… I just use that phrase until I actually end up buying them. :slight_smile: I’ve done it with lots of my rarer species. Cubaris Rubber Ducky, Cubaris White Pigeon, Cubaris Panda King, Cubaris Papaya, Amadillidium Magic Potion, Porcellio bolivari, Porcellio flavomarginatus, Porcellio expansus, Porcellio Spikey, etc.

I need to stop adding to the list… the main point is that I say that saying to myself a lot. It is good because you are neither confirming nor denying the fact that you will get more :crazy_face:


Yep those have been on my radar since I first saw a trace of them in the hobby. To my knowledge, there is a crazy low number of people working with them in the States (would guess anywhere from 5-20 people, if that.). :weary: I am yet to find them for less than $300/ea. if at all. :exploding_head: :dizzy_face: Gonna be a while…


Oh you have no idea… ^^^

Everything goes through Europe before coming to the States sadly. :slight_smile:


Omg what!
I found them for 125 each, but been out of stock for, forever!

The breeder I got all others from said he knew someone working with them too, but none for sell yet and won’t be cheap :sob:

What if I got them, and they died! :flushed:


Wow 125 would be a dream :laughing: Yep, those “designer” isopods are pretty much always out of stock as they sell out so fast. Even at super expensive prices :laughing:

That is always my greatest fear! I couldn’t imagine opening the bin and going “Well, there went $4k. :no_mouth:” because the humidity was 10% too high or low. At least Cubaris is a little lenient. :dizzy_face:


I am always scared when getting something that needs very specific care like the Giant Porcellio or Cubaris/Merulanella. But so far so good my Cubaris and Porcellio bolivari have been very forgiving.

On the other hand… I started with a 14ct of Expansus and Flavomarginatus but am down to a 3ct of each for no apparent reason. Did I look at them a little funny? Idk. Heartbreaking though.

Everything cool or beautiful just has to be hard to take care of though doesn’t it? Why couldn’t nature just make Feathered tree vipers non-venomous and as easy to care for as Garter snakes?


Today I finally got some Porcellio laevis “milkback” and Armadilidium espanyoli “marbelized”. I had been wanting these two species for a while so I’m really excited! I’ll get some better pictures after they settle in.

Also does anyone know if the dairy cow and milkbacks can cross breed, Or is it like the oranges?


To my knowledge no other morphs of P. laevis can breed to Dairy Cow. I believe Dairy Cow is just its own little group now.

Congrats on the Milkbacks and Marbleized! I really love how the marbleized look shows on the Armadillidium :slight_smile:


Ok good to know thanks
And yeah I really love the marbelized they remind me of the cubaris “cappuccino”


From what I thought milkbacks are dairy cows but a different line, the brown instead of black on them. Which my cows have actually produced, I’m separating them all soon into the different colours I have… And lots of browns there! Also high whites, yellow, orange, red and pinky ones. It’s quite amazing.

Also yes you can cross cows to orange. Many people have done this and have them for sale.


Wow, I guess I am way behind then :rofl: There have been LOTS of people here (including me) that have tried to cross Dairy Cow and Orange to no avail. Some like Aquarimax Pets has put the process on his YouTube channel and it seems like at least the U.S. line does not have the genetics to do so.

I also thought the milkbacks were a different line as they were much stockier and more bulky than Dairy Cows and tend to have much more brown concentrated along the fringes. May be totally wrong but that is what I heard. :slight_smile: