Can’t believe we’re already well into 2025! I’m hoping to do only a few pairings this year. Since I don’t brumate, the schedule for these guys is all over the place, but today I had my first lock - Kirby, a red factor sunkissed ghost motley to Cicada, a sunkissed anery, who is almost certainly red factor as well. Some not so great pics in direct sunlight:
Excellent! Gonna be some nice Coral and hopefully Salmon SK Aneries.
Can’t wait to see the beauties that come out of those two, going to be stunning!
Best wishes for a ton of beautiful healthy babies! With that pair you can’t go wrong!
Congratulations!! That’s a fun pairing. You should get some real beauties from them.
They are beautiful I can’t wait to see the babies!
The pair I’m most excited for this year has finally had their first lock! Dusk and Dawn, aneries het scaleless! (And a few other hets and pos hets). I’ve always wanted a scaleless and I particularly like anery scaleless, so I really hope everything goes smoothly with this pairing!
I love scaleless anery too…super rich blacks
Congrats! I hope you get plenty of Anery Scaleless hatchlings. Those are probably my favorite color for Scaleless. I also like Scaleless Butters who have rich yellow tones, but I really think the Aneries are gorgeous.