Just wanted to share a few things I’ve noticed on the new layout that was introduced not long ago.
I notice when I go to scroll up to previous comments on a large post, especially when there are images present. It starts skipping and jumping way higher than it should, and makes it hard to stay in the spot you’re currently looking at. Not sure if this is due to the site trying to pull the images from wherever they’re being temporarily stored to display them, or how that works (I’m not sure how this process works, just speculation.)
Also noticed today an issue if you click on someone’s name to see their “status” it is cut off by the message options. See image as a reference
I noticed it not long after the new theme came out. Any larger thread that has lots of pics, so the show off your “insert animal here” threads would be a good one to see it happen on.
Editing to add: it doesn’t only happen on those. I would say any thread that doesn’t have the entire discussion loaded instantly when it’s opened, will have the skipping issue as soon as it tries to load the “hidden” content.
I have been unable to reproduce this on my end on several devices… but enough of you guys are seeing it that it must be an issue… Any chance someone can throw up a screen recording on YT?
I do notice that sometimes when scolling up through one of these image-heavy threads it takes a decent chunk of time to pull up older posts.
Maybe we should set a limit on threads and create a “Part 2” and see if that helps things. Say 500 comments and then split it into a second thread. But then ones like this behemoth could be 6 parts long already - Show Off Your Cresties 🤩 …
The way you described it is what I’m experiencing as well. I can’t watch Riley’s video but if that’s what’s happening then it’s the same for me… it doesn’t always have to be a super long thread. If its 30-40 comments and some haven’t loaded, as soon as they do it jumps and goes crazy
Yes, that’s how it’s appearing to me. With larger picture threads, like the old recently purchased reptile thread, it will jump much higher amounts, because the pictures are already loaded due to how we store images.
Is there anything that can be done about this issue? Assuming others still have it…. When I try to go look at any thread that needs to load anything more than the last 20 comments/posts or so it just goes crazy and skips so much. I’m just trying to look at the boa thread and it’s struggling, just as bad as before