Spot What’s Wrong

Found this care guide on Amazon. There’s a whole series of these on there that sounds equally as bad as the one pictured based on the product descriptions alone.


Why a bp???


Oh I know! “Care Guild” is slightly off center!


I’m glad they have a book for children about how to care for a ball python, but do they have any books for adults?


There are a lot of these types of “how to” and “guide” books available on Amazon on a wide range of topics. They have overwhelmingly positive reviews that I can assume are written by the people producing this trash or some sort of bot. The information provided is generally rudimentary or incorrect, or completely unreadable because the translator program used to put it in english is terrible.

They also appear to have been printed and bound in someone’s basement. I’m not sure where they are being produced but it’s not an english speaking country and the author is not any kind of authority on the subject (probably not even a real person).

I bought one of these on a different topic. After realizing it was garbage and a scam I went back to amazon and took a closer look at the individual reviews and they were all fake. I tried to leave my own review on the book and it was never posted. My attempt to notify Amazon of this was never responded to so I can only assume they don’t care that people are using them to run a scam.


People just love to slap a picture of a ball python anything snake related :rofl:


Yikes… How are the reviews on that?


This is especially becoming a problem now with the rise of AI. This one definitely has the feel of someone looking to make a few quick bucks with it.

People can easily throw together a quick care guide with AI and sell it as kids books and the like right now.
The art or imagery is the same. Especially looking at the quality of the BP image used, it has AI search generation feel all over it… Why use a pic of a ball python halfway through a swallow?


Or if the snake in the picture is being cared by whoever wrote this book, a snake with a RI.


I hadn’t thought about AI but that’s certainly possible. The one I bought had whole paragraphs that were non-sensical because it was written so poorly.

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I just scrolled through their store and I think it speaks for itself. My favorite is probably the one in bearded seals. I have always wanted to know how to care for their eggs!


This one pictured has a 1 star review, thank goodness…but the rest of the series (which looks equally as bad) ranges from no reviews, more 1 stars, all the way up to 5 stars.

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Oh no… I’ve always wondered if a ball python was a boa snake or a boa constrictor. In case you were curious on how to care for Okeetee corn snakes specifically, because apparently there’s enough difference in care between them and your typical corn snake to require a whole book, then they’ve got you covered too! A one-stop-shop for expert opinions on every species you can think of :sweat_smile:


I’m actually incubating a clutch of bearded seal eggs at the moment. They are due to hatch in December 2078. They hatch fully developed and capable of flight straight out of the egg. The hatchlings must consume a dozen ostrich eggs within the first few hours after hatching in order to survive. After they gorge themselves on the ostrich eggs their diet shifts to a wider variety of prey items including but not limited to, wild haggis, anatolian snipes, sasquatch eggs, and unicorn foals.

Fun fact: Greater Uzbeki Bearded Seal eggs have the longest incubation period of any mammtile in the known universe.


The fact that it isn’t even an okeetee makes it even better


I love how they have separate books for the care of “boa snakes” and “boa constrictors,” as if those are two different species. And they both look suspiciously like ball pythons. :roll_eyes::person_facepalming:


I really love the “colubrid snake” one. got to love that a ‘colubrid snake’ looks exactly like a carpet python


I know, right? :rofl: I don’t see a single cover where the picture actually matches the species the book is supposed to be about.

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Well, great, now I don’t need to buy the book!


Ewwww yeah, this is definitely someone using an AI program to put these together and just drop them online to make quick cash.

I really hope to find a pigmy bearded seal for sale one day. XD