If you read my last posts you’ll know I’m diving into the Super Stripe Complex, hoping to assist in making a dent in what seems to be worked yet still a very open ended project. I would like to hear some ideas and thoughts on what you might find interesting, or curious gene wise in the layering of these Super Stripe, Super Spector, Super Asphalt, Pavement, and Super Gravel combos. I’m planning on adding some popular recessives in the process. Thank you in advance for your advise/opinions! If you didn’t get the chance to see my last post please click the link below and let me know what you think! By the way I re-organized the room and will be posting more pictures soon!
I don’t work with the super stripe, great morphs but I prefer my stripes recessive( g-stripe) I would recommend focusing on either asphalt or gravel, they are my favorite out of the complex. Supers have some great pattern, and they go so well with about everything! I would of course add recessives such as clown and a high quality line of dg/enhancer you could add in some Enchi or possibly high intensity orange dream for colors. For busy patterns I like leopards, or you could do something like acid, spotnose. Really you have a lot of great choices! Black head combos could be interesting too! Good luck with your project!
We plan to breed our enchi asphalt male to our pastel as/yb female (genetic testing soon) to produce a super asphalt enchi pastel. Asphalt and Gravel are my top picks as well. I plan on adding redhead to the project along with clown and pied. Dg would be AMAZING, hurricane will be going in as well at some point. I really appreciate your input, thank you!