I’m having a hard time finding a temperature that is confirmed to cause burns over N time for ball pythons. It’s easy for humans and most mammals: 108F is painful, 124F for 3 minutes can cause pain, swelling, and blisters.
To be clear I am not asking for the temperature to keep them at, thermostat advice, or anything else. Sorry if that sounds rude but it is absolutely not what I’m asking for.
Does anyone know a reputable source that could say, for example, “120F over 5 minutes will damage scales and cause blisters” or similar Temperature / Time examples? The “classic heat rock” examples usually have 140F repeated but never mention an exposure time. As I understand it, humans on 140F will suffer a very serious burn with an exposure of > 10 seconds.
Other examples in humans:
108F - painful, no resulting burn
111F - minimum temperature to result in a burn, exposure 6 hours
160F - “instant” (less than 1 second exposure) burn
Via https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_burn#Pathophysiology
Edit: Oops, typoed minutes/seconds.