Temperature that causes burns

I’m having a hard time finding a temperature that is confirmed to cause burns over N time for ball pythons. It’s easy for humans and most mammals: 108F is painful, 124F for 3 minutes can cause pain, swelling, and blisters.

To be clear I am not asking for the temperature to keep them at, thermostat advice, or anything else. Sorry if that sounds rude but it is absolutely not what I’m asking for. :slight_smile:

Does anyone know a reputable source that could say, for example, “120F over 5 minutes will damage scales and cause blisters” or similar Temperature / Time examples? The “classic heat rock” examples usually have 140F repeated but never mention an exposure time. As I understand it, humans on 140F will suffer a very serious burn with an exposure of > 10 seconds.

Other examples in humans:
108F - painful, no resulting burn
111F - minimum temperature to result in a burn, exposure 6 hours
160F - “instant” (less than 1 second exposure) burn

Via https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_burn#Pathophysiology

Edit: Oops, typoed minutes/seconds.

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That’s a really difficult question and, honestly, I hope nobody has an answer because it would have required observation of temperature over time without allowing the snake to relocate :scream:

Right! Here’s hoping no one has ever scienced it out that way.

I was hoping more of maybe a more slightly natural occurrence where observations were made of snakes near pavement or similar.

Somebody somewhere had to start with some number, right? Maybe they’re basing it on mammals. :woman_shrugging:

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Understood. We have the data on human burns because of research done on the Jews during the Holocaust :sob: