To breed or not to breed: harlequin with pinstripe?

I’ve learned that vertical patterns (harlie, tiger) and horizontal patterns (pinstripe, quad, white wall) work against each other and might produce something only “half good”. Like flame, broken pin or low expression harli.

On the other hand I belive you need both vertical and horizontal to produce a “speckled” crestie (like if you’ve seen the gecko called “Speckled like a leopard” and the offspring “Enigma” at Kiwi Geckos). But that might take a lot of work :slight_smile:

Are these a good pairing or not?

Male, full pinstripe harlequin. Has produced yellows and full pinstripes with high side pattern.
Parents: Pinstripe harli and yellow patternless.

Female, red harli.
Parents: Tiger, portholes and Red harlie w. dal spots


See if doesn’t always. I’ve mixed them many times and you get some amazing babies out.

Working with quads too, and Harley pins here now :blush:

Know of many breeders doing the same.

Also pin dash is I’m assuming what you mean by broke pin or partial pin.
But again depending on the other traits they’re stunning.

With your pairing again if knowing the lineages you’ll get alsorts anyway

But extremes, extreme Harley pins, tigers etc.
And some darker based and reds.
So would actually work well.


What’s a speckled Crestie?

It’s I assumed she meant Frazil.
But the breeder said about him making some like him but if you see babies they’re really not…

Seems more like paradoxing there.

And speckled is a term I think in the us for lots of tiny spots on dals etc. that’s where I’ve seen it anyway…

No, not tiny dalmatian spots. I mean like this one

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OMG, I googled Frazil. Never seen that one before. Cool, but not my taste :smiley:

Can you show some juvelines you’ve gotten from pin + harli?


So what’s the genetics in speckle?

@irmelinis That’s an extreme brindle with reverse pinning.

We have them here in the uk, yet not a lot want to work with brindle as it’s messy and mostly seen with Dal… :woman_facepalming:t2:
I know people working with extreme tigers too which are basically similar but the stripes are more vertical.

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If you go through my portfolio there’s a few there! And Corpse (black Superstripe) and zombie (grey/yellow) were both pins, corpse had the Harley and snowflake trait too and gave me a tricolour :sweat_smile:

I was actually producing tigers from my tricolour and super Dal too…
And weirdly since not pairing them I’ve gotten no tigers…

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A lot of well know breeders put Harley’s to pins too if you go through them! Everyone has them in their collection :sweat_smile:

I mean Phoenix came from a bicolour and a Harley partial pin… :flushed:


Not sure. I read somewhere (forgot where) that it’s tiger + pinstripe since they have both vertical and horizontal lines that form the pattern. Most of these seem to be phantoms.

Cheshire is from Epic geckos
father Storm: a yellow phantom funky kind of tiger
mother Crown jewel Reptiles Marble-Berry: unknown morph

Enigma is from Crown jewel Reptiles
father: Speckled like a leopard, unknown morph (I think they call his offspring “speckled” because of his name)
Mother: Bullet, unknown morph

Not very helpful. :laughing:

Speckled like a leopard also had a male baby, Crown jewel reptiles Falk, who has produced loads of odd looking stripey phantoms at Tara Leigh’s cresties.

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Any pics of speckled?

As they’re all extreme brindles with reverse pinning :fire:

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I’d love to worth with extreme brindle/tigers.

I’m waiting for one with no spots to pop up though :expressionless:

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No, I can’t find pics of Speckled like a leopard.

Thanks for identifying the morph for me :smiley:
Yeah, tiger or extreme brindles is a breeding goal for me, along with better structure (than my tiger) that’s where the pinstripe male comes in.

So like, if I breed my red harli mentioned in this post with my pinstripe, see what comes out? And save a couple of juveniles with good structure, breed to my orange phantom and my orange tiger. Hmm. Or forget about the tiger and the orange phantom (because their poor-ish structure) and breed the pinstripe male with these two?


Ideally you’d want to keep a male back with good structure too so you can put to females with smaller heads to try make it better!

But I would if that’s the goal too! :fire:

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I think either pin or tiger would be good, just depends what you want as the outcome.

I had been looking for a Gecko to go to Gingerbread Latte, my orange Brindle, but I just haven’t seen anything I want to pair her too as they’ve had spots and now I’m hunting for a lavender so I’ve put other traits on hold for now

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Thank you :slight_smile: I really appreciate the help from both of you!

Seems like extreme brindles and tigers are easily spotted from an early age, no need to wait as long to find out what morph it’ll be.

As for dalmatian spots, it’s considered a dominant gene, right? It “should” be easy to get rid of. I realize it can be difficult to make out if a crestie has spots or not, they might be tiny and/or not very visible. But if it produces babies with dal spots (when paired to one without spots) you just remove the one producing spots from your breeding program. Unless it gives loads of other good traits…

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So Dal spots take a while to remove from the equation but it can be done.

My girl Kona has produced (not with me) some amazing geckos both with and without spots.

To try and remove the spots & still get similar looking geckos you’d need to keep back the ones without spots and breed to another gecko that doesn’t have spots and hopefully doesn’t have it in their gene. It may take a few generations to get to minimal / no spots being produced throughout the breeding process, but you may get the Gecko you want with no spots towards the beginning, but still likely to produce spots

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Keep in mind they can get spots years down the line too.

It can take 3/4/5 generations to remove and even then they can still pop up. It’s a pain I will say…