My 2022 season is starting now! I didn’t produce any ball python clutches for the 2021 season, and my one hognose female I bred slugged out both of her clutches.
And for the pairings so far:
1.0 banana (female maker) fire VPI axanthic x 0.1 pastel het VPI axanthic
Pretty excited about this one! The female wouldn’t let any males lock up with her last season as I guess she decided she was taking the year off, so I think it’s a good sign that they locked this time around. This male is gonna get to see a lot of females this season, because… well, female bananas!
1.0 banana yellowbelly x 0.1 pewter
This girl also took the year off, and I was originally gonna pair her to my pastel banana clown male… but he wasn’t interested yet, he’s still too young. I like bananas, so we went with Banan here!
1.0 super mystic x 0.1 pastel super mojave
Another attempt at this pairing from last season. They’ll produce all pastel mystic potions and regular mystic potions!
1.0 banana piebald x 0.1 albino
These two have locked a few times already, as the female went off of food and I figured to try pairing her. She’s become a slightly more aggressive feeder during pairing, so hopefully I can produce a nice big clutch of dh albino pieds.
She’s 3000+ grams so she’ll either lay big eggs or a lot of eggs, we’ll have to see on that
1.0 banana piebald x 0.1 normal het piebald
This boy seems to struggle locking with this female, because this happened…. Again. She didn’t go last season though they had locked once. Hoping to hit some visual pieds!
He did finally figure it out though, thankfully…
1.0 banana pied x 0.1 normal ?
Delta was my very first ball python, I got her back in August of 2018. She’s now at 1300 grams and still eating solid, so I figured I’d try pairing her… and they locked!
She’s sort of a “dinker” as she has a lot of the het pied markers my other actual het pieds have, so if she lays for me this will prove whether or not she’s het pied. I’ll also be a very proud snek momma if she lays a clutch for me!
I have other females I plan to breed, and will update this post as more things happen — mainly initial locks, ovulations, prelay sheds, and eggs! I’ll probably reorganize this into a neater post of my observations like I did for the 2020 season, once this season is over. Got a LOT more females breeding so this will hopefully be good!