Trouble selling

At the minute we already have quite a few “stickys” up, so many so that it is a bit overwhelming for new users.
However recently I started a new tag for topics like this where you can find helpful information and tutorials.


I ask that this tag is to only be added by staff members, to keep it on its intended course
If you see or know of a post that will fit that tag, DM it to me and we will discuss it.


I will say, as a person who is only just now able to break into the hobby and is hoping to breed in the future, this thread is full of wonderful information and makes many points I hadn’t even thought about!

That being said one of the things that I didn’t really see mentioned (and maybe it was and I just missed it) is that having a professional-looking logo or landing page plays a huge factor in whether or not I, as a buyer, consider buying from a particular seller.

The logo is really the face of your business, and most of the time it is going to be what sticks in the mind of potential buyers. If your logo, brand, etc. looks like it was just thrown together in paint at the last minute, it reflects poorly on the business. A solid graphic for your business shows that you are willing to put in the time and effort to present yourself in a professional way, and it also demonstrates that you don’t skimp on the details. In the OP’s case, his store profile pic is just curly white font on a black background, nothing that stands out or really tells me anything about his store.

Sorry if this seems superficial compared to the other advice on this thread, but I’ve got a bit of a background in graphic design, so it is one of the first things I notice :sweat_smile:


I feel personally attacked :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You do make a extremely good point though. :+1:

But on the other side of the coin, just because they have a good logo doesn’t mean that they have good husbandry or sales ethics.


Don’t feel attacked! Your logo is actually quite nice! It is visually interesting and immediately lets the buyer know several things about the store. The point is that it looks like you put in the effort to make something that looks nice for your customer base, which in turn makes you look more credible.

And of course, you can’t judge a book by its cover, and someone with a great front could be selling lemons. The fact of the matter is, though, that lots of casual buyers do judge books by their cover. So if you are a new seller and are following all of the other advice on this thread and still not getting many hits, you may benefit from investing in developing your brand and image.


Of course not but it shows they have a professional approach. A sharp logo is a great addition to anyone starting out.


I’m just playing :wink:

Thank you, I won’t lie and say this was my first attempt :joy: there was a lot worse ones in the drafts folder.

Oh damn right it is. I’m not disputing that, just don’t let that be a reason to disregard checking a seller out before purchasing :yum:

We have this thread … Company name and logo opinions if anyone wants to find or add any tips on this :blush:


I think my logo is okay, I’m an artist but not a graphic designer by any means :joy:

Either way, having a solid brand that stands out is also an important thing to have. It took me forever to decide on a business name, and “The Royal Nest” is what stuck since I was planning to mainly breed ball pythons… and I saw “Royal” as a thing of prestige, something that’s better than the others. Ya know?


Another piece of advice:

Don’t do things like this. Please.

For added context, this breeder had read my message a few hours after I had sent the message. I was planning to wait until Monday to message them again, had they not responded by then. Just in case maybe they were busy. It’s the weekend, after all.

Instead, they just didn’t respond and marked the animal I was interested in as sold. Totally turned me off from wanting to purchase from them at all.

I considered it rather rude, and would of rather them tell me personally that the animal was no longer available. Had they of just told me up front, I may have looked at and considered a different animal they had listed.
I have other animals I was also looking at, so I’ll likely buy from a different seller.

I think honesty and transparency is a big key to building a reputation as well. Make yourself trustworthy to others.


Such a shame.
I inquired about a snake a couple months ago, turned out it had already been sold but the breeder let me know about a similar clutch that was hatching out, and another similar snake that they had available. I bought 3 snakes from them.


That’s the proper way to go about it, imo. I can understand not being able to update listings right away, it happens. Again, why I put a lot of emphasis on transparency and being upfront and honest.

I actually sold a pair of snakes I had, I listed them on MorphMarket and had someone inquire me about them, but by then I had just sold them to someone over on Instagram. I politely told them that I had sold them elsewhere, and apologized for any inconvenience.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Company name and logo opinions

Yeah, if I take offence at a comment someone may have directed at me, I grumble a bit and move on.
I figure if I respond & the comment was intended to annoy, why should I give that jerk the satisfaction of knowing it worked?
If it wasn’t meant in malice, then commenting would only portray me as thin-skinned, & possibly inspire more disrespect.
I much prefer being part of a helping-hands club.

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Ah… But here is the thing, he did reply to me. He spun my feedback in the most negative way possible and called my information criticism while thanking everyone else for the help they offered. So plainly, it was not a matter of him considering it and letting it sink in, it was an off-hand dismissal


I for one being new to the hobby and am 100 percent thankful to all that have contributed advice to this thread. Even tho its not my thread I have taken note of all these things to use when I get the point of being able to attempt selling. I love to see that even tho Mike W who has a warehouse full of top notch snakes now was just like the rest of us trying to make his way and name around. So morale of my post is just because you may not think your helping the original poster you are all helping some of us others so thank you all for that.


i agree this was a huge help to new breeders thank yall so much


don’t agree. his initial reaction was not great but doesn’t mean he won’t come back to this in a couple years and be like ‘wow i was wrong’ in fact id probably guarantee it. just my opinion…


I agree somewhat. I notice people that tend to convince themselves of something after what other people tell them aren’t really successful with things in general. I think this user for example is setting himself up to fail because he may think he is doing everything correctly while it is everyone else’s fault. Just my opinion in the end though.


We can be our own worst enemy. Do what you love to do and people will see.


My first time vending at an expo, brought 6 animals sold out in 2 hours. Second time I sold 8 out of 12 animals in 1 day.

For me and Hets, I know I won’t get full value until my reputation is good. I also will never sell something for sure het unless I produced it.