Trouble selling

Just catching up on this thread. I am a “new” breeder as well. I have technically been breeding for two years now but starting out with grow out animals and just one or two adult females I have only had 5 clutches in those 2 years. 2021 will be our first year with multiple adult females and really excited to see what we can do. That being said, there has been some amazing advice from some very amazing breeders posted.

I previously trained dogs and did dog rescue, so going into this I knew from experience that in any business - if your name isn’t out there and you aren’t going to have clients. Reputation will be your biggest help, or your biggest down fall. Customer service is key! I didn’t have any clients when I started my dog businesses, but after 6 years we had waiting lists of adopters for our rescue. It takes time and persistence and hard work.

So knowing that going in I made a facebook page, posted my snakes as I was growing them up, posted pairings etc. Went to shows, made friends with local breeders etc. All of the advice that has been given here. I have had no issues selling babies on morph market or locally. Yes some take months and some sell in a day. But all of the advice given here was great. I’m not producing enough to fill a table up at shows, but I have that network of local breeders that I help them out and they help me out. If someone wants a snake I don’t have, I have sold snakes for other local breeders or referred them, even if I have stuff for sale. HELP each other, don’t try to compete. By doing this and helping my local breeder community, I have breeders who have let me put one clutch on their table when they vend etc.

It’s a slow process but build yourself up, make connections, and stick it out for the long haul. It will be worth it. I’m vending my first show with my own table next weekend. It’s only 2 clutches that I have to take up there and I’m driving 3 hours to do it. I may not sell a single animal, but I’m stoked and excited to be there talking to people with my banner up representing myself! Make yourself memorable, be personable! People who take a card at a show and may not be in a position to buy will remember you and your customer service, and may come back and by a snake from you later by following you on social media etc. I’ve had that happen.

All in all a wonderful thread. Thanks to all that gave advice because even as a new breeder who hasn’t been discouraged, I soaked up everyone’s tips for later! :heart:


Necromancing this thread…

What amazing advice on here! I’ve really appreciated reading everyone’s advice, experience, and encouragement. No matter what you sell, it’s difficult to get started but perseverance is key! I’m stoked to really start getting out there and making connections. This covid thing has put a damper on expos and such. Personally, since really getting serious and excited about breeding, I’ve made more connections and networking with people than I have in probably the last 10 years.

It is not my natural state to “get out there” or “make connections” or even market myself. I absolutely LOATHE annual reviews or updating my resume. But my passion for this hobby has pushed me so far out of my comfort zone in the best way. It’s been an exciting and fantastic journey!


As much as we would all love to add more pictures, that’s not always an option. As I found out recently, the free and basic membership ($120 per year) only allows one picture. The standard package ($300 per year) allows 3 pictures. As a newer breeder I’m on a budget but I did get the basic package even though I know my customer base is better reached in social media, craigslist, and shows. But it does get my name out there and shows what I’m working with. But having more pictures would be nice but for now we will have to make sure the picture we have is of the best quality and lighting.


Thanks for sharing this, I haven’t started breeding yet, just raising up a lot of babies and still buying more.

I am taking in the advice. Thank you.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Company name and logo opinions

I had the basic package for my first year with MorphMarket. I recently upgraded to the standard package and I really like that I can offer more than one photo. I usually use this perk to show pictures of the animal’s parents. I also really appreciate the auto-renewal of my ads.


In the future I will definitely be upgrading, baby steps to start.

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Thanks Mike for your wisdom…I just printed your post and hung it on my wall next to my racks!
I appreciate your time sharing this story.
Joe Barrett


This happens quite a bit to me as well. Honestly It’s happened much more frequently with the 15-20 sales to the year, than the new sellers and large scale breeders. Which would probably be why I gravitate my buying at a very high percentage to New sellers. Though this may seem strange, but a lot of my snakes I’ve purchased with absolutely no plan in mind. (Would love a topic post on this, is it normal?) I presently have a Rack that holds 20 of by ball pythons, that I’ve bought for no other reason than watching them grow. So I don’t mind taking a risk on potentially hurting breeding plans, with genes mis labeled or the time they need to get shipping down. I also really like giving people their first sale. It isn’t a hard thing to get a read on somebody quick if the whole thing seems cringy. And it’s awesome talking to these people that are finally selling something they love. I’m sure a lot of them were feeling the same as this guy was.
But buying from new buyers and being able to read and relate on this community is what has recently made me decide to sell on MM. I have always brick and mortar sales hand to hand. Sold at shows even Kept to many of my clutches for myself. and at times given them away, way too many. I even gave 5 away last year right before I figured I’d try.
If you are doing this to be rich, I’m sure the first few years could be mentally straining. But I’m here for the hobby. These animals to me are so much fun to watch and look at. Besides when my girls hit 1200g I’m sure I’ll have no trouble :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: