Personally I think clown is ugly by itself. But I do love some of the combos, like leopard clown.
Some BP morphs do improve (depending on your perspective) with age. Ivory gets cleaner and brighter. Fire gets brighter. I’m sure there are other examples too.
I think a lot of adult banana combos are pretty ugly, which is so disappointing because they’re gorgeous and striking as hatchlings. Much like actual bananas, they just don’t age well
Is it the freckles or the overall look you aren’t a fan of? If it is the freckles then I recommend looking up banana clown combos as they greatly reduce the reduce the freckles and sometimes gets rid of them completely. Enchi does this especially well so that is why I love banana enchi clowns in particular.
The hatchlings have that yellow vs purple thing going on and it’s awesome. Do the adult Enchi banana clowns maintain any of the pigments other than yellow?
This made me chuckle a bit lol. Bananas are well…very yellow hence the name. I get it may not be for everyone but most people who don’t like them love the color and just dislike the freckles. And no I don’t believe that I have seen any other banana clowns that have anything else other than yellow or purple.
Tremble at the yellow. Fear him.
I personally enjoy the freckles on bananas, but I hate clown so it just makes it ugly due to the fading. Banana Mojave combos tend to be really nice though.
They always dull out as adults unless you get lucky or have the combo of just leopard and blade with it. Babies look ok (still not a fan of the pattern in most cases) but most of the adults I have seen are hideous. Give me axanthic, genetic stripe, pied and albino over clown anyday.
I have only seen a couple adults of that combo, and both are just as faded as most other clown adults. Clowns are too expensive for what they turn into later on in most cases imo. Firefly axanthics on the other hand, have amazing contrast and generally keep it. My end goal combo will eventually be a firefly axanthic pied, though my favorite combo is still just firefly axanthic. So simple but a clean monochrome snake that stays bright colored is just.
More lucky enough to get an expensive and nice line of clown. Only clowns with blade and leopard combined hold their contrast from what I have seen though. If there is even more than one line, as I am not sure more than one person has the credit for discovering clown.
So is the fact that you don’t like them because of their overall pattern/look or because you think they fade too much? Its one thing to dislike the look and another to not like how it ages over time.
Sometimes the pattern is nice, though some have weird spots all over their face and it just triggers the heck out of my trypophobia. The main reason I don’t like them is because they look like faded dish rags left in the sun once they are older. The main reason to like clowns is because of their cool pattern and contrast, but if they loose that once they are adults then there isn’t much to like. Same reason I don’t generally like just plain albinos, and prefer dark morphs with albino as well as lav albinos. The adults don’t always keep their nice contrast.
For me Banana will almost always be ugly. They fade considerably compared to their bright colors as hatchlings, and the spots some develop as adults are just ugly.
Clown is another one I would call lower quality. But to its defense, I haven’t seen some of the new combos age as adults, so if they hold their color and contrast into adulthood maybe I would reconsider.
Champagne is sometimes ugly, but if mixed well can be mind blowing.
Overall I think those are my top 3 ugly genes, I love clowns as hatchlings but once they hit 4-5 yrs old most look dull and boring to me.