Ugly ball python combos?

Agree…I like these better because of the smooth transitions between colors

PS here is light yellow :wink: But I feel that pinstripes are ugly

It wouldn’t be my first choice of snakes, but I appreciate the patterning! There’s just something about yellow I don’t like. The facial markings are really awesome, leopard is next on my list to add to the collection

It’s really nice actually to see others hating on clown while I love it, this hobby would be so boring and entirely too competitive if everyone liked the same morphs.


I agree completely with the second half of that sentence.
But off all the morphs, especially recessives, clown is in the most collections and breeding projects with people I know and talk to. There are almost more people working with that gene than pied nowadays, which I can’t really understand.
I love clown don’t get me wrong, but I can still love something that I find ugly.


I used to hate the spots on Bananas until they “grew on me” Now I enjoy them. I’m not sure why.

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Yeah, it’s kind of making me wish I had gone into Tri-stripe or desert ghost instead, because I feel like the market is just going to be absolutely flooded with clowns in a few years


I would agree with that prediction.
Even Genetic Stripe would be a good gamble, I see that making a comeback in a few years.
Definitely can’t go wrong with Desert Ghost tho, killer morph.


Going to be?!?!


Already is haha. I think it is fine though because of all the things being done with them by bigger breeders which opens up projects for those who want to create the same thing.

Ok, so there’s already a ton of them, but they’re being bought up remarkably quickly and at pretty high prices. Last I checked the cheapest spotnose het clown female was $900. That’s absurd for a het. I was referring more to a situation where MM has thousands of clown and clown combo morphs that nobody wants because everybody has tons of clowns already (when supply is well over demand), which we haven’t hit yet because even hets are going for super high prices. I don’t know if that will happen, but seems plausible given that everybody is working with clown now


Yeah I like the nice patterned bp the yellow fades away an gives it a faded yellow look

If I’m being honest, I’m not a huge fan of Banana. I just don’t like the yellow and light violet with freckles. The most absolute gorgeous morph is Fire Enchi Mojave Cypress if I’m being specific, but I also LOVE calicos. The white is so unique and pretty. Albino is cool too. I don’t have like a grudge against yellow on BPs, but yellow and purple don’t compliment each other AT ALL. And Axanthic Calico DRIVES ME INSANE with its awesome colours and patterns.


For me it’s pretty much the same but I’m not a fan of super pastels or a lot the the bananas

I’m not a fan of clowns, if the head had more pattern on it I would like them better. Head is ugly. The colors and pattern on the body looks really good most of the time. Everyone is making clown combo’s.
Not a fan of a striped BP either. Depends on what other morph it is mixed with. I have seen very few I like.

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I dislike most albino combos because you cant really tell what’s in most of them unless it’s something like pied, tri stripe, clown.


unpopular opinion but I think all dark morphs, including normal are ugly. I dislike dark morphs in majority of reptiles as a whole. the only dark morphs I like are ones that have silver such as Axanthic, the black greys and white are very stunning to me. I do own dark morphs in my collection but only to make combos. I’m more of a bright morph person and I enjoy anything with yellows, oranges, or red.


I’m a bit late to this game but totally agreeing with @akmorphs here - I’m not impressed with clowns. They look cool as babies but I have yet to see one that doesn’t fade out like crazy as an adult, so I really don’t think they’re much to look at. :sweat_smile: There’s the occasional exception, but by and large not something I have a desire to work with.

Another possibly unpopular opinion, I love the freckles on bananas. I don’t like banana combos that get rid of the freckles and my banana breeding plans include dark morphs specifically to get more of the freckles.

Also not a fan of albino. They just look washed out.


I’d recommend looking up a DG clown. I dont think you will be disappointed :wink:


That’s true, DG clowns look great. But the power there isn’t the clown, it’s the DG. :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha got me there

I’m probably going to get some shade for this, but I just don’t care for axanthic. I’m just not into the monochromatic thing… give me some color - the brighter the better!