Uncommon Ball Python Genes?

Last I heard Sahara is similar if not the exact same as desert ghost


I believe it’s like the Axanthic lines, similar but not compatible.

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It is argued as to whether or not it is another line of DesertGhost. Some say “yes”, some say “no”.

With all the dishonesty that it started with, I am not sure anyone will have a clear picture


There will be a clear picture when someone honest buy a Sahara and breeds it to a Desert Ghost to find out for sure.


Finally found a photo/listing of a Super Mario! Looks super odd, the pattern is so wacky. I haven’t seen many combos I’ve been impressed by other than the DG mario, but I guess that’s the ball python industry. Sometimes you find a new morph that’s not that impressive and other times you find something that shakes the industry by it’s feet.
