Welcome to MorphMarket Reptile Community (Read First)

MorphMarket Reptile Community (MRC) is a modern platform for reptile enthusiasts to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation.

  • These forums are for everyone who is passionate about reptiles, both expert and beginner alike.
  • Visit us to gain knowledge on reptile care, genetics, breeding, and business, to observe high level conversations between world-class breeders, and connect with people who love reptiles like you do.
  • Our goal is to bring the community together in one place which is easy and fun to use.
  • Our atmosphere is constructive and respectful, and the content is easily searched and archived for the whole community.

Please take a few minutes to orient yourself:

For example, the guidelines section on Allowed Content exclude any sales-related talk in public – so if you want to ask about buying or selling something, please use Private Messages. Public posts will be hidden.

  • Learn about how to use this forum software in the New User’s Guide. This covers many topics including basic terms, navigation, posting, replying, notifications, profiles, and more.
  • The content is organized into broad Categories (like #ball-pythons), but subdivided with many Tags. Examples include breeding, photos, #cornsnakes, ultramel, or make up your own!.
  • Confused about where all the “forums” are? They’re called Categories, and you can see them by clicking on Categories. The home page is set to Latest view by default but you can change this.
  • When you make a post, include an image, but also provide a few sentences of explanation. It will really enhance the discussion. Here are more tips.
  • Find more information in Frequently Asked Questions. This is always accessible through the menu in the upper right corner.
  • Each category has a topic describing what belongs there. The #community-feedback category is for discussing the forum itself, such as questions on how to use it.
  • You can always click the logo in the upper left corner to return to the home page. From there you can see the Latest topics or you can click Categories to narrow your browsing.
  • If you are looking for the Morphpedia project, here is the Quick Start.

Next, why don’t you introduce yourself by posting to our Introductions category?