What do you guys think of PETA?

What do you guys think of PETA? Do you think it is good? Why or why not?
Personally my opinion is good intentions bad execution, they say
“Reptiles shouldn’t be kept as pets” I think we all got issues with that statement.


Does that mean…

People Eating Tasty Animals

Dont much care for them or their tactics.


Haha lol honestly idk


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an organization that seeks to suck the joy out of everyone who keeps any type of pet.
The endgame of their organization is the elimination of all pet keeping and all animal related agriculture. I would personally discourage anyone from participating in arguing or debating people affiliated with the group, as that only legitimizes the existence of their organization. Not saying they shouldn’t be allowed to exist, but I wouldn’t be upset if PETA was dissolved.


Over zealous activists, nothing more. Not a fan of them.


Overly cruel and inflammatory activists who work against the idea of anyone owning any animal via scare campaigns of ableism, misinformation, outright lies, and so on.

Their methods have nothing to do with the actual welfare of animals, just whether their message is out there. They have been known to mass-kill “rescued” animals, claiming death is better than the animal being “exploited” by being owned in a caring home.

I cannot express in professional language how much I dislike them.


PETA has been known to euthanize animals instead of trying to find homes for them. They would rather kill an animal than have to spend money on the upkeep or letting a human have them.

They also have been known to take animals from someone’s home and euthanize them before the owner even has a chance to realize what happened.

They’re not good people. They take money and only use a fraction of it for actual animal welfare. Most of it is to line their own pockets or produce shock advertising.


Ok. Lets all be professional, as has been done so far. This could become another heated discussion.


Definitely not a fan. As long as people are taking good care of their animals, they should be allowed to keep them. PETA doesn’t agree, and would probably be happy to take my animals, and then do something unspeakable to them.

So, if PETA showed up at my house, I would not let in them in, no matter what they said.


I did not know this, as someone who has a soft spot so big for animals it horrifies me to my absolute core that anyone is willing to do this, :scream:


I don’t know, I’m kind of torn.

dairy milk has long been embraced as a symbol of white supremacy.

Human supremacists need to start thinking about other species’ interests in not being exploited.


ok no what? ok time to break their bubble, I am Indian; we drink milk PETA we exist.
if you can’t tell I am livid about this.

edit this is sarcasm right?
edit 2: I looked at the article for 30 seconds I genuinely felt as if I was losing brain cells.


Yes, it’s an example of some of the logic PETA uses to try to push their agenda (no animals or animal products in anyone’s life).

Well, according to their logic that makes you a white supremacist. :man_shrugging:


I’m not a fan. I followed them for a while when I was young and impressionable. They push REALLY hard marketing to kids with shocking content about cute little animals being treated horrifically, but many of their campaigns involve their own operatives creating bad situations for film. They go for kids because it’s so easy to emotionally manipulate/lie to them.

As noted by @armiyana, PETA has an incredible euthanasia rate at their shelters. This is because PETA believes by keeping pets, we’re basically enslaving them, and they’re better off dead than owned. The average Virginia animal shelter in 2020 had a euthanasia rate of 6-11%, while PETA’s “shelter” had a rate of 66%. Yearly they are killing the majority of animals they take in. They try to explain this away by saying they’re a “shelter of last resort” and only take in animals no other place will, but investigations have repeatedly proved that untrue. They have picked up healthy animals being surrendered by owners or other shelters, only to take them out to the van and euthanize them and dump the bodies. Feel free to Google the case of Adria J. Hinkle and Andrew B. Cook.

There are plenty of animal welfare groups that actually help animals, PETA is not and will never be one of them. They would much rather kill animals than risk them ever possibly being mistreated by people, which is a really screwed up stance to have in regards to what “saving” entitles. Also most of their money goes directly into marketing and isn’t used to help animals whatsoever


It’s funny,
Being a vegan and knowing they’re all for that and seeing how they’ve helped many animals, and all for animal rights I was all for them…

But recently, After all the reptiles shows being stopped here and having to be sorted again elsewhere, I mean for now they’re sorted but will probably be stopped again, and them saying it’s cruelty to keep in tiny tubs… (it’s only for a few hours)… anyway…
Them also being all for protests, which literally causes issues in more ways than one…
I don’t really follow anything they do anymore.

I feel they have good intentions, Wanting to not hurt animals, not use animal products, all for helping them… but really going about it very wrong, and they also haven’t a clue half the stuff they’re going on about…

I’ll be happy to join them and sort issues though :grin:


I agree like what if and I stay with me, drinking milk doesn’t make you a bad person! I know shocking.


Also need to point out that it is not just peta, also other organizations such as the hsus (humane society of the United States) says no reptiles make good pets and should be banned as pets! So I know everyone loves their fur babies as well as their other pets, but please don’t donate to any group thinking you are just helping out dogs and cats, they can/do a lot more with the money. Such as legislation and trying to ban any wild exports for the pet trade. A lot of these type of groups sound extremely helpful to homeless or abused animals(which we all agree is wrong) but you have to look at the complete agenda of these groups to see if you really agree with everything they stand for. Just wanted to point out that there’s other organizations that would take away pet owners rights as well!


Heck if ya wanna spend some cash and help out pets, USARK can always use the funds! I believw that there is a Canadian version as well but the name escapes me now. I’ll look it up


Besides PETA trying to kill the hobbies that we all love. I’ve had folks that support them walk through the public lands I hunt with pots and pans banging them together during deer season (Years ago).
I’m pretty sure this is where the hunter harassment laws all started from. These are the same people who complain about deer eating their gardens and are ok with darting the does with birth control drugs.
I don’t think much of the organization myself.


Think about what? Their over 80% kill rate for animals they supposedly “saving”? Or how they proudly advertise that they will euthanize your pet for you? They’re borderline a terrorist organization in my opinion. I get the advocacy for animals and sh**, but they’re far from any kind of organization I’d even come close to trusting.