SHE MADE IT!!! I was looking forward to posting my beautiful new baby who was supposed to arrive Tuesday, but she was delayed. I’m happy to report that she arrived safely yesterday morning. What you call her morph depends upon whom you ask. Lavender Ghost Stripe? Hypo Moonstone Stripe? Striped Anery Hypo-Lav? Yep.
I can’t wait to see her colors develop!
Mee tooo!! I am very much looking forward to seeing how her future beauty develops. Galahad, my 2021 male Moonstone, looks nothing at all like he did when he arrived here as a wee hatchling.
Maybe a picture please
Beautiful snake. I personally like hypo moonstone stripe. Lol
This guy just arrived - GHI Mystic Potion. He’s beautiful! We were surprised by how active and curious he was right out of the box. Now to think of a good name for him.
To me his head looks like he got too close to a flame and got crispy! If it were my boy I’d think about something like Singe or Toasty or S’more? Singe would be my pick tho probably, what a pretty dude
What a beauty!
I picked up another new boy today, one I plan on pairing to my normal females as he should still produce a decent variety of babies.
He’ll also be the perfect pair for this girl!
But, here he is:
A hypo killer queenbee enchi — aka hypo super pastel enchi butter/lesser spider! He’ll at least always produce pastel het hypo babies.
Beautiful snake!! How about Icarus?
Very, very cool! Love the dark pattern behind the eyes!
Thank you! And yeah, I lean toward Hypo Moonstone Stripe myself. Not totally sure why. Maybe because it’s alphabetical? I’m not opposed to other descriptors. I do wish it were more clear-cut for the sake of folks trying to figure out the hobby.
It will be my pleasure - tomorrow.
Galahad has just finished shedding, but alas, it’s dark now. So, tomorrow, @lumpy. I promise!
Very nice! I like the subtle color variance.
Really love that special face!!
Yay! I can’t wait!
Here ya go, Riley. This is Galahad when he arrived here from VMS in October 2021:
This is Galahad today:
Wow wow! I love the colors. Is he lavender in color? I might need to one of these lol .
He’s even more impressive in person. It’s super challenging to catch his true colors. He’s shades of lavender, grey, kind of pearly, with some pinkish undertones. Galahad is visually Moonstone (Anery + Lavender) Masque. He’s het for Amel, Diffused & Stripe, ph Strawberry. He’s my first Moonstone, and I am extremely happy with him! I admit to being partial to this sweet boy, but I think he’s an exceptional example of the Moonstone morph.
Well now Im heading back to the cornsnake ads and looking for moonstones! He is super-duper cool!!
Lol , I got to get a moonstone combo then