What new reptiles have you bought recently? 2.0

Another new pickup from the local show in Evansville, IN — a champagne cinnamon female.

Might try to make some grey matters with her, I’m not 100% sure yet. Always the risk of deformities with super cinny so a little on the fence with that.


I don’t think that I will be add to this thread but maybe in a few months…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Very pretty! I had a idea since you mentioned the super cinny/black pastel problems. I agree that grey matters are awesome looking, what if you paired hra or pastel, hra with the cinnamon champagne? I have gotten awesome pastel gargoyles (hra,cinnamon) that look almost identical or even better then super cinnys and I have never had any major issue with hra to cinny breedings, aside from very minor duckbilling, no kinks or anything severe. Just a thought on a different way to get a similar effect without the possibility of bad defects.


I could do that! I have a black pastel HRA female too, though… her being a female doesn’t help much haha

I was also considering trying super mahogany, as I’m not finding any suma champagnes anywhere and would be curious to see how it looks.


She’s lovely! I really like those subtle shadings. I know that morph names aren’t always obviously tied to the animal’s appearance as seen by people who are less steeped in the hobby, but “champagne cinnamon” seems just perfect! Really, really pretty. :heart_eyes:


I was vending at a reptile show today, I only sold a few containers of bugs, but I got a couple new additions. I got a pair of fat-tailed geckos, a male white out and a female oreo, both het patternless. I also got a super snow black night female (who I didn’t really need, but for the price I couldn’t resist).

I also got ivory millipedes (I only got two, and if they aren’t a pair I’ll get more next month) and A. klugii “clown” isopods.


Congratulations on your new additions. They’re all cute. The isopod is especially adorable. It looks like you took a teensy paintbrush and very, very carefully put dots all down its little bitty carpace. After you magically convinced it to hold still for this, of course!


The spots do look a lot like little paint specks, I haven’t thought about it like that before. They are actually one of my favorite isopods I have (competing with panda kings and rubber duckies). They are still small, but assuming they’ll grow more, I’ll be able to get better pictures of them.


They are my favorites too lol :joy:. They can get some size but there colors are the best imo.


I was looking online and there’s a variation of them that’s orange and super cool looking. They are way too expensive for me to afford, but they might be something worth trying to breed for. I like the contrast of the normal ones more, but having both would be best.


I have been contemplating on adding a centipede or a millipede to my zoo. In your opinion which one would be best as a pet?

Thank you and have a blessed afternoon! :sunglasses::blush:


Millipedes are the less scary ones. Some centipedes have medically significant venom.


Centipedes like the giant tropical ones are so cool to look at and watch! That being said, I would rather hold a hungry 16’ retic then a 6” centipede any day of the week! For a display animal, it would be ok-but like @spottedbull I would not want to take a bite, even if not a medical situation I have heard the bites are extremely painful! On the other hand I was in Belize and found a large millipede it was cool to watch walk and nice to hold gently, and are harmless -unless you eat them! :joy:
Just not quite as exciting or colorful in my opinion. We will need to see pics of either for sure if you do obviously!


Oh I’m getting a few centipedes. But I’ve seen them eat. Those mouth parts frighten me!


Yes to all of this. Centipedes scare the bajeezus out of me. One of the few critters that skeeves me out (along with jellyfish). They’re fascinating, but something about the way they move just creeps me out.

Millipedes are cool though, I like those guys. I always enjoy finding the little ones we have around here, but the giant ones are awesome!


Wow! I am not sure about the centipedes now! Lol! But if I do decide to jump in you will be the first to know for sure! :sunglasses::spider:


I’d definitely go for millipedes over centipedes…but as I stated above, I’m a bit biased against centipedes. But if I’m trying to be objective, both are very cool and fascinating. Just keep in mind that centipedes are venomous (some species pack more of a punch than others), and also generally move a lot faster and are much more nimble. That said, I feel like centipedes are probably going to be more active and might therefore be more interactive and fun to watch. But millipedes are probably going to be less stressful to care for (at least if you’re anything like me). You can also handle millipedes, whereas I wouldn’t recommend trying to handle a centipede.

I guess it just kind of depends on what you’re looking for in a long, many-legged invert. :person_shrugging:


Actually I am more hands on although I am really enjoying just watching my little jumper! But I do not plan on handling her! Lol!

Thank you so much for the heads ups though! :blush::+1:


You got plenty of input about this, but to throw in a different take, I like centipedes more, just get the right species. They are completely different, but centipedes can be fun to hold (get the right species if you want to do this). They are like spiders in the fact that all are venomous, and a couple species are very dangerous, but most are harmless and if you get the right species, the venom is negligible. Millipedes will sit in an enclosure (most species will bury, but I think a couple will stay on the surface), but some of the large species can be fun to handle. Most are small and will just curl up in your hand, but when I got ivories they were pretty curious and climbed straight up to my neck. Centipedes will hide in the dirt most of the time (in my experience from one individual), but when they come out, they are very entertaining, but I think some species will be more active and out more.


Ok thank you for the advice. I suppose if I am really serious I will need to do my homework first. I suppose a MM. breed/seller would be honest with me.

Anyway, we will see! :spider::+1::sunglasses::blush: