Really lovely! My favorite pic is the last one, on your hand. What’s the snake’s name?
For now, she is Nine.
Gorgeous baby! Is she Super Fire?
Banana Super Fire
Lovely! Looks just like my Finnley, who is a super fire, which is why I had to ask. Gotta love them!
Well I managed to get almost five months into 2023 without a purchase. New arrival should be here 4/26 pending weather. It’s my first ever non-colubrid snake and I am stoked. Stay tuned!
Can we have a hint please ? Lol!
The hint is non-colubrid
Another hint besides that! We can’t wait that long!!!
Its blurry but that’s all you get.
Lol! Ok thank you! It looks vaguely familiar……. non colubrid huh…… This is gonna drive me nuts ! Lol!
So excited honestly! Pics on my phone definitely wash out the beautiful colors on this little dude, crazy beautiful blushing on him and light light yellows in person, looking to pair him with one of my spiders in the future or a fire since I adore OD spiders and super fires
Lol I have an Agent #9.
This is “Evelyn,” one of a pair of het T+ Albino Children’s Pythons which we recently got from Nick Mutton and Inland Reptile. This is our second pair of Antaresia, and we are extremely exciting about working with these tiny pythons.
Evelyn is lovely! Best of luck with your projects with her!
I think I need to add to this thread so…
It is calling me
By all means please do!
Went to the reptile expo in Denver and got into about as much trouble as I was expecting, haha. Picked up a gorgeous ball python, and my first short-tailed python and sand boa!
Your new critters are amazing! I love the STP’s head color! Is it a Borneo by chance? And that BP is unbelievable! What type/morph is it? The sand boa is very nice as well! Great finds!