@leatherneck_pythons Wow this is super nice! Have you produced any Rios? Had my first arroyo clutch this year.
Its Goo! Been awhile since the last I saw her. Looking like a beautiful little lady!
She is very slowly growing, by far the most irregular eater I have.
Good thing I’m in no rush to get her paired up any time soon.
Totally love yb pastel. Very overlooked yellowbelly can really make amazing with just pastel! Very nice thomas! My yellowbelly pastel het clown male has been a terrible eater to. He’s holding my whole clown project up lol.
What a stunner
Funnily enough my largest male (pin het lav) is planned to be her first pairing .
I’m looking for the perfect GHI lav for him in the meantime but I’m being extremely picky, there are some quality GHIs out there, but there are also some awful examples aswel.
It’s good to be picky. If your breeding stock is top notch then you produce top notch animals! I have zero ghi in my collection. But you are right I’ve seen some very poor examples of ghi to say the least lol. My favorite gene is sable and I’ve heard from plenty of people it’s a trash gene. But I’ve produced single gene sables that I felt were stunners. Keep yourself standards high thomas it will pay off in the long run!!!
Haha yeah some are just the pickiest of eaters. My male leopard het clown is pretty much the exact same way. He eats just enough to maintain his body weight and not enough to put on substantial weight. Although this could all be attributed to him being in breeding mode.
I always thought soulsucker is a three gene combo of granite lesser HGW or is this a different type soulsucker?
Difficult to choose…champagne enchi, champagne OD, champagne leopard, mimosa and then ghi mojave or simple mojave lesser/butter achhh. Can not choose
The granite isn’t actually a part of it. It was a marketing tactic imo. They said the granite was attached to the hgw. But the gene can’t be isolated so it’s not an actual gene. You can make a soul sucker using butter/lesser x hgw.
Thank you. No Rios yet. The clutch of RS Arroyo was the first time I had ever bred my Rio female. This year she is going to my bamboo woma het clown male.
Pastel DG is as good as it gets, from hatchling to adulthood they look amazing…then again anything DG looks amazing.
Axanthic tsk desert ghost! For sure!
Might be interested in a baby from that pairing!! I really want to add some GHI into my SKs and pairing one with my Black Magic boi would be CHOICE. [Edited to add picture]