Whats this vet saying Respiratory infection

What does tthis look like ? We are currently giving antibiotics injections every 48 hrs. Vet says its a ri infection


How long has the BP appeared like this? Out of all of the symptoms of RI I’ve never heard of swelling, or whatever this is, being on the list… but I could be wrong.

Did they ever check the mouth? Have you ever looked inside the BP’s mouth?


Ive had her a month now she was sold to me like this the guy i bought her from said he never noticed on her. Yes ive looked in her mouth she dont drool or anything inside her mouth is all pink


It was worse than this


Ive added a pic of inside her mouth from when i first received her . Her top gum was swollen really bad but has went down she can eat and drink finally


Unfortunately this sounds like a red flag… I’d say this is very noticeable even for an untrained eye, especially considering it was worse than that when you recieved her. Whoever had her is probably just trying to avoid something. Was this a rescue situation or just a normal purchase?

It does sound like the antibiotics are working though since the swelling has gone down and she can eat and drink now, I was worried it was mouth rot but her mouth looks clean.


Its a breeder here in kentucky that i got her from me and him has went round and round over this whole situation


Well its good that you got her the care she needed and that she is improving.

Its still a huge red flag for me, to know this was a breeder who had her and “never noticed” even if she wasn’t eating or drinking. I’d avoid contact with the breeder and report them if they are on Morphmarket, neglecting things like this is unacceptable.

Sorry I can’t say for sure if this case is a RI or not… but it was definitely an infection of some kind. Someone with more veterinary knowledge might be able to help here.


Yes they are


I Have to agree with everything that’s been said above. Not a good breeder.

I personally haven’t seen a symptom like this as an RI…closest I’ve seen is fluid buildup from bad stuck sheds or from a rodent bite.

If the antibiotics seem to be helping so far, that’s great. I would continue with the antibiotics until done. If you end the cycle too soon the bacteria can become resistant. After that you can consider the next step if needed or another opinion.

If she wasn’t drinking and she now is that’s great! You can maybe offer a couple of small lukewarm soaks to continue to encourage her to stay hydrated during the treatment.
If she is eating on her own that’s also really good. Sometimes they go off feed while on antibiotics. I hope things keep improving with her


Yea the antibiotics seem to be working so far :crossed_fingers:i have been giving her soakes aswell. I have 5 :syringe: shots left to give her. If not any better by the end of them im going back to vet for the next step. Wich is probably cutting it open and get some test done. It just bothers me because its like shes pushing air thru her nostrils. Its real bad if the humidity gets high.


As far as I know, swelling like that is not a symptom of a RI. Wheezing, drooling, mouth breathing, bubbles and lethargy are typical symptoms of a RI. Maybe that mouth swelling was from a broken tooth that became infected. In any case, it sounds like she’s on the mend. As others said, finish the course of antibiotics.

Maybe we’re not getting all the facts, but I find it very hard to believe that the breeder didn’t notice the swelling when they sold her to you. I would be very cautious about buying from that breeder again.

Please let us know how she turns out!


Heres the other night of me and her spending time together. He other pic is of the bump as of last week prolly Thursday



Heres a convo i had with him befor i blocked him few weeks back. The purple txt is what i wrote to him

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So we can’t rule RI in or out online. That said, it does look like a possibility of injury or infection in that mouth. Keep up with the antibiotics, if it doesn’t resolve, I’d suggest getting a second opinion from another vet, just to be sure the treatment plan of the first is good. You can use the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians “Find a Vet” search here: https://members.arav.org/search/custom.asp?id=3661

I found what I believe is the original listing for this girl, and there seems to be no clear photo of her face at all. If this is the correct listing, it also mentions that she was a recent pick up from a local breeder and was neither bred nor produced by the person you bought her from.

If she arrived in the above condition. and you haven’t yet contacted customer support, I would suggest doing so. The email is support@morphmarket.com.


If you blow this pic up u can see the white spot on her nose that is from the bump you can also see that her nose is swollen in the pic aswell. I purchased her thru his personal website. Not on MorphMarket . Also he mentioned to me that he did breed her once but she absorbed the eggs

Here is our conversation

Ah, didn’t realized you purchased through his personal website. In that case I’m not sure CS would be able to help you in regards to the transaction, though the snake was also listed on the marketplace so they may want to know it had a visible defect.


Gonna tag @eaglereptiles for eyes on this


So this is something that I noticed a little bit ago and wanted others thoughts on this. I looked at the mouth picture again…

The area circled looks a lot more swollen than the other side and then theres also the spot with the arrow pointing towards that… its hard to discern but I have no clue if this is an issue or if this is just a heat pit?
@sparkys-serpents does spot look abnormal (other than whats already known) in person? Did the vet say anything about this?

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