So as I’ve searched through the forums I’ve noticed a few of us have some reptiles or amphibian s on our bucket list. There’s no thread about it, so here one is! What are your top bucket list reptiles or amphibians? Why is it on there?
Mine are Bolene’s Python or White Lipped Python, and a Chinese Water Dragon. I grew up around a Chinese water dragon for a short amount of time and loved it. And Bolene’s and White Lipped pythons are beautiful species I’d love to be able to breed one day.
I want to get a reticulated python once I have the space for one. I also want dart frogs, crocodile skinks and egyptian tortoises and I have plans to get the last three in the next couple years.
I want a retic just because of how interesting and intelligent they’re said to be and I’ve always wanted a bigger python. Dart frogs and skinks I want just because of how cool they look and behave and I want to get some display tanks for both and possibly breed them. Egyptian tortoises I want just because they’re small tortoises that I would easily be able to house inside and handle easily because they’re so small.
My dream snakes for the last couple of years have been Madagascar Ground Boas, and I’m finally getting a pair next week. I would also really like to pick up some T+ Albino Argentine Boa Constrictors.
A captive bred, captive born small locality female Asian Water Monitor. One of the tamed ones from Nerd. There is one on morphmarket right now with beautiful yellow spots.
I’ve always adored and dreamed of owning a Gaboon Viper as I think they’re absolutely stunning. However I’m not sure I’d ever be comfortable owning something venomous, I’m far too accident prone
They are for sure intelligent almost to smart.
You want any information on care or husbandry, send me a PM and we can talk tics, they are my favorite and I’d love to help anyone looking to get into them.
As for my bucket list herp, that would be a CBB Southern White Lipped Python, Ackie Monitor and a Dwarf Caiman. I’ve always wanted those just because I find them interesting and beautiful, not for any breeding projects.
Other than those I own my dream herp and that is retics. I don’t find any herp that compares to their overall kind demeanor and interesting behavior. At least in my experiences they have been gentle giants and very intelligent. Which makes it fun to be kept on your toes compared to something like a BP for instance.
@lumpy no hesitation, you NEED another snake lol. Retic!!
Bismarck Ringed Python (Aquired)
White Lipped Python (Acquired)
Boelens Python
Aru Green Tree Python
Dwarf Reticulated Python
Red Ackie Monitor
Lace Monitor Bel Phase
And some others I would like to have but if I am unable to acquire them in my life, I’ll be ok.
Spotted Python
Red Eyed Crocodile Skink
Green Tree Monitor
I would love a dumerils boa, once I have enough space. I love their pattern, their personalities and their size - large, but not unmanageable for a single person to handle.
A few others I would love to own someday - yellow tail cribo, eastern indigo, African house snake, and a leachie gecko. I would also love to get a black milk snake. I had one in the past and really loved him.
Well, aside from a genetically engineered, giant komodo dragon that is saddle trained to let me ride around on it… I’d love to be involved with tuataras, but I know it will never happen. I’ve wanted an Egyptian uromastyx for years, but, again, not realistically expected to happen. Another dream would be one of the blue phase emerald tree boas. I am SUPER curious about gila monsters, king cobras, and, like @chesterhf , gaboon vipers, but I would never keep hot herps (aside from my komodo dragon buddy, of course). Heck- pygmy chameleons, piebald axolotls, legless lizards, olms, jumping spiders (if inverts count), a patternless black night x black pearl cross leopard gecko, E. fuscus, ring neck snakes, a satanic leaf tailed gecko, and a partridge in a tree!