We drove from Detroit to Boston to see a ~12’ long albino king cobra last winter, before we all got shut down. NERD. Pretty sure it’s worth more than both my cars.
Any socialized monitors, sulcata or other larger tortoise, vipers (yellow/orange, green/purple, gaboon, with a handler included to handle them), king cobra (again with a handler), captive bred green tree monitors, eastern indigo
Name your top 5-10…
Mine are:
Boelens Python
Amazon Basin Emerald Tree Boa
Emperor Diamond Super Fire Boa Consttictor
Scoria Boa Constrictor
High Yellow Kofiau Green Tree Python
Texas Indigo
Lavender False Water Cobra
Axanthic Black Headed Python
Tanimbar Scrub Python
Boiga D Divergens
Obviously there are more I’d love to get but I’d die a happy man if I ever got all of those.
I’d also most likely be a broke man since I’d have to fork out thousands $$$ LOL.
Definitely would like to get into higher quality boas more but living in Florida kind of makes the other dream animal or animals hard to get. One day you know I hope to get a reticulated python because big snakes are just awesome in my personal opinion LOL
They will be your favorite I promise! Lol
I second that! @lumpy hopefully one day you’ll be able to get a Retic, I know you’ve had an interest in them forever it seems.
I want a SD albino retic but theyre illegal here in Florida
Easy! More BCI
In all honesty, it’s a tie between a Black Dragon (Asian Water Monitor) or a Cow Retic…I just refuse to make that move until I can afford to give them the proper care and space they need.
My dream lizard is Gila monsters. Unfortunately I have a 5 year old boy. But also Australian water dragons are a dream lizard and might be possible. Now if I can only talk my other half into it lol.
My dream reptiles are:
Rosy Boa
Gopher Snake
Woma Python or Ackie monitor
And here are three that might not be possible
Indigo Snake
Shingleback skink
Legless Lizard
I have a friend that has a F Gila monster. She is kinda cute. Growing like a weed. I will stick with my Geckos and BP though. I don’t think I would want to get a bite from a Gila.
I love these guys so much. Used to catch them in Arizona as a youngster!!!
My official list is actually longer, but here’s some noteworthy ones.
Dream Reptiles:
King Ratsnake
Taiwan Beauty Snake
Florida Kingsnake
Speckled Kingsnake
Spotted Python
Shingleback Skink
Blue Tongue Skink
Ackie Monitors
Golden Tegu
Dream Amphibians:
Iranian Kaiser Newts
Blue-spotted Salamander
Purple and Normal Red-eyed Tree Frogs
Fringed Leaf Frogs
I would say any designer GTPs with a black and blue coloring, a Green Anaconda, an all white Cobra, and a Gaboon viper. Dumerils boss look similar to Gaboons in my opinion so I would settle with one of those also.
I have found my favorite snake and I am going to start looking for one now but they cost about $10k lol
Boelens python
From what I’ve heard they’re really worth it
Sadly I think only 1 has ever hatched in America. I will be dead before its in my price range.
I think nerd produces them
Thats where I saw it