I know every time I see them, they’re breathtaking. Hopefully with more captive breeding their price will come down, before we die LOL
That’s awesome, be sure to add pictures when you get her.
LOL, I’ve had her since the end of Feb. She’s socialized but also smart enough to tell people apart. I also made a mistake when I unboxed her. I didn’t wait for her to look around and come out of her bag on her own. I was intent on getting her into a soak and just pulled her out of the bag and put her into water. She hasn’t forgiven me yet. To make a long story longer, I’m not taking photos, she hates my camera, untill she is back to running out of her cage and up my arm…
Definitely interested in keeping larger python species such as reticulated pythons, mainly for their incredible coloration and patterns, although their size will be the factor that keeps me (currently) limited from that until I have the proper space available, as with most people I see interested in them. I’ve seen dwarf retics, I just don’t see the same intensity in colors or patterns as I do with the larger snakes, but perhaps that’s just my experience with them so far. And also, sometime I’m sure much further down the road after the appropriate facilities and permits are in order, I have an interest in keeping venomous, mostly snakes (Atheris hispida would be an entry interest) but not limited to simply snakes. Following that pipe dream would be Heloderma suspectum, and this is all said in the “That might be cool” sensibility, but… You never know, I guess. What if? I’ve also not ever really had much interest in boas, I just find there are more species of python that draw my interest based on my exposure, but Brazilian rainbow boas are an exception. I have to say it’s probably mostly due to limited exposure in person, because I’ve known about them a very long time and until I saw one in person several years ago, I was never really very impressed with the way they looked, from examples online mostly. That iridescent sheen was something I just never saw captured right before I set my own eyes on one, and it’s not like that’s exclusive to the rainbow boas, but with that combination of the iridescence and the way they already look, they easily have one of my favorite natural patterns in semi-large snakes.
I’ve got a long list of things I still want to get into. Black tailed rattlesnakes would really be something though.
A crested gecko (lily white), a whites tree frog, a monitor (male) uromastyx, Dragon snakes and that is probably about it, at least that I can think of right now. Maybe an eyelash pitviper too.
also maybe peacock monitors, armadillo girdled lizards, desert iguanas, chuckwallas, ornate uromastyx, california kingnsnake, jewelled lacerta, timor monitor, ackie monitor, mitchell’s water monitor, pancake tortoise, burmese mountain tortoise, aldabra tortoise, galapagos tortoise, green tree pythons, kreft’s river turtle, eastern long necked turtle, pink bellied side neck turtle, asian water monitor, nile monitor, caiman lizard, tiger salamander, asian vine snake, chahoua gecko, gargoyle gecko, chinese cave gecko, mandarian rat snake, macklot’s python, egyptian false cobra, gansi egg eating snake, blotched blue tongue skink, western blue tongue skink, centralian blue tongue skink, emerald tree skink, eastern blue tongue skink, dragon snake, paradise flying snake, flying gecko, draco lizard, sudan plated lizard, chinese water dragon, bearded dragon, sailfin dragon, perentie, madagascar tree boa, big headed turtle. that’s all I can think of right now.
That’s it? I agree, a lot of those are dream reptiles for me too.
If anyone knows where some may be available, you’d be my HERO
Reptile rapture occasionally has some.
On my list right now: Arabian Sand Boas, Javelin Sand Boas, New World Pythons. I’ve seen some New World Pythons for sale but they are almost all WC or lone males. I usually only buy WC animals if CBB are totally unavailable, as with the Arabian Sand Boas.
my last dream reptiles id like to acquire are some caiman lizards, boelens pythons, sailfin dragons, lewisi hybrids, and Aussie water dragons as I transition to working with bigger reptiles and outdoor enclosures
I’ll update mine…high end breeder quality boas. In particular IMGs, Sterlings, VPI, and Aztec. Lol just reading that makes me happy.
That Girdled Armadillo lizard looks like an irl pokemon. Probably would be a ground and/or rock type primary with poison or maybe fire (but thats a stretch) as a secondary typing.
looks at pic provided…pokemon bgm plays. A wild _____ appears
A wild Girdledillo appears
My #1 reptile changes nearly everyday it’s safe to say they’re all on my dream list
My favorites would be:
SD Retic, African House Snake, Dart Frogs, Day Gecko species (williamsi, peacock, gold dust), Egyptian Tortoise, Crocodile Skinks, Bismark Ring-necked Python, Western Hognose, Eastern Indigo, Cribo, Ackie Monitor, Dragon Snake, Paradise Flying Snake, Egg-eating Snake, Blackhead Python, White-lipped Python, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Frilled Dragon, Fiji Iguana, Leachie Gecko, Gargoyle Gecko, Rosy Boa, Rubber Boa
Not really reptile or amphibian but:
Madagascar Hissing Roaches, Lobster Roaches, Red Runner Roaches, Lots of Isopods, P. metallica, T. blondi, A. semaani, A. genic, a ton of other tarantulas, lots of scorpions, and lots of centipedes.
Edit: I forgot the hots:
Northern Copperhead, Timber Rattlesnake, Squams, King Cobra, Asian Vine Snake
Black timber rattlesnake, maybe a couple of other types of rattlers, and Gila monsters, but I definitely don’t have the experience for hots currently.