Where is the best place to purchase frozen thawed of multiple sized rats in bulk quantities?
I would say a local breeder. There are companies online that sell in bulk but then you have to pay for shipping/dry ice
I personally go to American Rodent Supply for my feeders. They have good pricing, consistent sizes, and good quality rodents. I have the advantage of them being in my state so I can drive to em when I need to stock up. They have flat rate shipping from what I know though.
I get all of my rodents from rodentpro.com, and I’ve always been happy with the quality. Also, they are never out of a size.
I second Rodent Pro. They are usually at my local shows to save on shipping. But I’ll gladly pay shipping like I have during Covid because they do offer a premium product in my opinion.
And they have top notch customer service incase your shipment is lost or not delivered on time.
Been doing Rodent Pro for 3 years and never had a problem.
I will like to say that I am considering switching to rodent pro. For no apparent reason then if I was to have to order rabbits.
I’m happy with rodent pro. Good product, well packaged and always arrives frozen solid.
If you have any breeders nearby then chances are you have a feeder breeders nearby.
Check the Morphmap out and see if you have anyone local you can message.
The only reason I recommend local breeders over buying from stores is that you get the opportunity to make a connection with another member of our hobby, which in turn might lead you to amazing deals.
I am about to switch all of my snakes over to F/T. I know that I can get them from my local pet store, however I am looking to buy in bulk to reduce my costs. Are there any recommendations that have both quality and price on rats. I have looked online and everyone seems to be about the same, but I know this isn’t true. Thanks in advance!
It definitely can depend on where you live and shipping costs. Shipping will seem less expensive if you’re ordering in a larger amount. For instance I only have one snake and I pay $40 in shipping but I only ordered 10 rats. But someone who has 10 snakes and orders 100 and then the price of $40 shipping doesn’t seem that bad. How many snakes do you have? And also how many rats would you be ordering?
Check Deans Reptiles and Rodents on FB or IG
Right now I go in between Perfect Prey and Rodent Pro. I have never had an issue with either they are feeders are wonderful quality and always arrive on the day that they said they are going to arrive and are frozen solid. Packed with heavy amounts of insulation and dry ice, could you ask for better shipping?
Does any one have any recommendations for dubia roaches? I was using dubiaroaches.com but after a really bad experience I am looking for a new supplier. The herp game in my area is pretty weak. I’d love to find someone local, but I doubt that’s going to happen. I’d like to start a colony of my own but I don’t think I have the space.
Just incase you missed it… Creating my own Dubia colony
@eaglereptiles I have read that and it sounds like a good solution aside from developing an allergy to shell fish. Not something I’m willing to give up.
I went with rodent pro but had anyone had trouble with mice tummies being swelled?
I’ve lost my sense of smell recently but my husband says they smell AWFUL too.
Most of the snakes don’t mind them tho
So far I only have one BP who has refused the mice.
We are going on a few months without solid food. He suddenly stopped eating rats, took a large mouse, but has since refused to eat and I’m kind of stuck.
Has only ever eaten ft and have had since 2018.
Any advice would be wonderful. I’ve even considered buying him a ft bunny or chicks.
Swollen smelly mice bellies doesn’t sound right. Did you call rodentpro to ask them about it?
The only time I’ve seen a frozen thawed rodent swell up is from methane gas produced from their gut fermenting after they die.
Aka, they started decomposing. They also smell god awful and are one of the only things that will make me straight up gag.
Even regurgitation doesn’t smell nearly as bad.
I’ve had it occur when a snake doesn’t eat their food for whatever reason, and if it gets left in their tub too long, it’ll start to decompose.
If it’s near the heat source, it’s 10x worse.
I’d recommend not feeding those to your snakes, especially if they’ve gone bad for any reason. They can make your snake really sick.