Which Dinosaur Would Make The Best Pet? 🦕 (submissions)

I would like to create a poll to settle a debate I’ve seen being had. Which dinosaur would be the best pet? But there are so many dinosaurs out there, how could I possibly pick a few to make a poll? Well, that’s what this post is for! I want all of y’all to nominate a dinosaur that would genuinely make a good pet if it were to be tamed. And I’m talking feasible for the average person, so nothing like spinosaurus unless you can come up with a good or funny enough explanation why it would be a good pet. I hope to get many nominations, so don’t be afraid to get a little out there or obscure. I will start by nominating Kulindadromeus, Psittacosaurus, and Mononykus.


i would say chickens


Fun topic! Personally, I would love to have a Microraptor. They’re a manageable size. Four wings is extremely cool. I guess there may still be some debate over their classification as a dinosaur, but I can accept them as such. Mononychus and Psittacosaurus would also make my list. I wasn’t familiar with Kulindadromeus, so I looked it up. I would be happy with one of those, too. And I have always adored chickens!


Microraptor would be great for an atrium or aviary. I am including both avian and non avian dinosaurs here (preferably extinct ones), so Microraptor well fits in the category.


That’s what I was thinking! My thinking was fuzzy though, which I’m blame on a lack of sleep. I couldn’t come up with “atrium.” Pondered what might be the saurian based equivalent term for “aviary.” Pteriary?


I think i’d nominate Troodon and of course a Psittacosaurus. A Troodon is bigger but i just think of it as having a horse. They’re also very smart and i think they could be good like guard dinosaurs. I also just love them and would want to have one lol. I like Psittacosaurus because they’re adorable and their diet would probably be easy for most people to provide. And they’re around the size of a large dog so it’s not too big to be easily kept. Microraptors would be really cool too. I am a big dinosaur nerd so there’s probably other could nominations i could think of but these were just off the top of my head. Very fun idea @garciademueller!


A 25ish pound ceratopsian species seems like a great place to start for an easy way to get your feet wet. Then you can start in on working your way up to the smaller raptors or feisty procompsognathus


My favourite tiny dino is probably Aquilops. They were smaller than my cats and just too dang cute.

Though Dilong was pretty cool too. Sort of like a mini T-Rex that only weighed about 25 pounds. Also a cutie.


Oh man, I forgot about Dilong, but they are absolutely adorable.


I know, they were so cute! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And who wouldn’t want a mini-rex?

As someone who grew up loving Tyrannosaurus Rex and similar large, bipedal carnivores, I was pretty much delirious with glee when I discovered Dilong. The smaller raptors are cool, but many of them have faces that are a little too narrow and bird-like for my tastes. Dilong has more of that true tyrannosaur face that I love, just in a more manageable size.


My sleep-deprived brain sees this and immediately goes “Which one could I RIDE??? Preferably without said ride ending in my near-certain demise??? :star_struck:” This, in turn, led me down a bizarre rabbithole of quora q&a, reddits, references to ARK: Survival Evolved (occasionally Dinotopia, as well), and some short blogger posts…

Finally, I landed on the biggest thing that a person could reasonably manage to provide food for (other than by letting it eating you):

Opisthocoelicaudia seems to have about the same body mass as a modern elephant (so wouldn’t require a small country’s worth of grazing land), a fairly flat back, and no rational motivation to murder me. Therefore, it is the perfect choice for dinoback-riding. :rofl:


So it’s a long necked elephant… I’ve seen how much an elephant can eat!

I’ll take a five pound theropod who can hunt mice in my yard like a furious toothy bird. Taking it on a long line leash to the park to sniff things and chase squirrels…


I absolutely love how much research went into this :rofl: reminds me of me


These are the important questions. Love it!


this one right here


It wouldn’t be for the average keeper, but I feel like Heracles inexpectatus would’ve made an alright pet for the very experienced keeper. They were a giant terrestrial parrot about 1m tall that ate fruits and nuts and stuff, and I feel like if you had a large enough aviary, you’d be able to keep them right.

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Like a Kakapo-zilla!


Man, I want all of them! Probably for the best that I can’t have a Dino buddy, though. My faithful cat is fine with the snakes, but saurians might be a bit too much for her. :rofl: :joy: