Who's working with Vanilla?

Why is it so hard to find single gene pictures of Vanillas?

Anyone have any I can use?

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I have only 1 animal in my small collection that has vanilla in him. He also has blackhead in him as well so don’t think he will help you with any kind of id. They are very bright and have a head stamp on them.

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Sadly my one vanilla also has pastel in him :joy: and he’s het vpi axanthic!

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Sorry, I’m no help here–no vanilla at all.

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i was told she was a single gene vanilla, but i was never 100% sure

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ID is correct :+1:


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I have a lot of vanilla stuff. I’ll see if I can dig up a photo of a single gene vanilla hatchling.

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if you need any pics of any other vanilla combos (cream, screams, vanilla Axanthic combos) let me know

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This thread is linked to the Vanilla page of the encyclopedia, so any you are willing to share will be greatly appreciated Mary :blush:. Thank you


Heres a vpi axanthic super vanilla:)


Super vanilla pastel sable