Worrying care video's on youtube

Have any of you seen this? Its worrying that there are so many bad care advice videos like this out there.
The description says ‘so the reason for this video is to show a way to carefully remove the snake without harming yourself or your pet’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQrBLh1ioZs
It looks dangerous to the snake to be grabbing and prodding it with metal tweezers like this.
Especially as he is winding it up and it may strike and jam into the ends of the tweezers.
Also he keeps saying how aggressive it is, in my opinion its not, its feeding mode because its been starved by previous owners and kept next to the food items, and defensive as I would be if grabbed and prodded with metal tweezers like that.
Maybe I am being overly sensitive.
I hope people watching that video read some of the comments so they realise how many people disagreed with this.

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Unfortunately based on youtube’s algorithm if you dislike a video it just makes it more popular because it strikes conflict. Maybe new owners who would actually take this video seriously would see all of the dislikes and negative comments and not believe it but it’s still better if it’s rated lower in the agorithm.


Thanks for telling me that, I didn’t realise. is iit the same if I thumbs up the comments criticizing the video?


I’m not sure but I would think so since it supports the thought of causing conflict. Unfortunately animal abuse is not one of the options to report the video.


I’d still thumbs down as it might eventually make a difference


i agree with this. there’s not a ton you can do about inaccurate care videos, or even abusive ones, and in my opinion it’s not worth it to “boost” a video by liking or disliking it. The only thing that can really be done is just to hope new reptile owners find accurate and knowledgeable advice vs the faulty, inaccurate advice some people put out there on the internet.


I think you could report it as Dangerous -> Other -> Description: Animal abuse, [details]


If he is that nervous to handle the snake probably shouldn’t of “rescued” it. I’m not exactly understanding what poking and prodding it is going to accomplish. He should really be handling this snake with a hook.


They do these videos for the money period. More clicks from having aggressive snake in the title, then of course they have to deliver on it. Its really sick when you think about it.


its between that, or genuinely not knowing any better. I haven’t watched the video myself, but i’m about to take a look now


he has prey items inches from the so called aggressive snake


There is so much wrong with that man owning snakes if that’s how he treats them


I’m having a hard time coming up with a response im happy with so just stick with me lol.

After watching the video, i’m under the impression that this youtuber has not been properly educated. When he says that the snake is being aggressive, its just the snake reacting to his touch. At no point did i see the snake do anything i would dub as aggressive. Also i find the use of tongs to poke and prod at the snake to be incredibly inappropriate because the snake isn’t doing anything… just being a snake. He states that he has 20 snakes in that room(or something along those lines) but ultimately i think hes an inexperienced keeper who might not be very confident around snakes in that manner and he needs to take a step back and realize he has the potential to do more harm than good to his snakes by the way he treats them and reacts to them.

end of rant


Then why is he making care videos??? Lol


If you call that a care video… Those are the kinds of “care videos” that he produces, terrible and can hurt your snake.


because he doesn’t know any better, but he THINKS he does. In no way do i support or agree with what he’s doing, but we see people in social media all the time who dont always know what they’re promoting or the harm they’re doing to the reptile community who don’t want to see or put up with this kind of stuff.


Then he has zero business with twenty snakes.


exactly. based off the other videos on his channel, it’s all very clickbait-y and i dont think hes in the hobby for the wellbeing of the snakes.


All these channels are terrible for our hobby. This is the type of stuff that makes us look bad as a group. Everyone is “rescuing” 20 ball pythons and spending a weekend reading on the inter webs and bam expert. Then they proceed to make videos full of horrible information and care. This same person will be selling there collection to some other inexperienced keeper in two years. Vicious cycle and extremely frustrating to the ones of us that have been doing this a while through good and bad times. There is absolutely nothing wrong with learning and getting hands on experiences before actually breeding snakes. But everyone wants to buy a snake and hatch a clutch as soon as possible. Then when things go wrong sell off.


this discussion reminds me a lot of this topic. it really shows that this issue will keep coming up over and over again, no matter how much we try to correct it. I think the thing that counts is that no matter how other keepers will portray themselves online, we all individually know who we are and how we keep the correct ways.