Anyone working with Mystic or Black Head?

Is anyone working with the Mystic and/or Black Head genes?

If so lets see what you have produced with it…

And if you could only choose 1 to have in your collection, which would it be?

  • Mystic
  • Black Head

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I worked with Mystic, all I really wanted was to make a super, I did it and moved on, next year I will work with Blackhead to me there is a lot more potential with Blackhead

This is the male I will put to work

Black Head Black Magic Het Pied


Blackhead personally for me. Here’s my Blackhead Het Lavender Albino Pos Het Pied that I purchased. Hopefully she proves out in a few years. :crossed_fingers:


My straight blackhead girl I’m raising up, love this gene.


Do you love the gene because of how dark the black is @michaeljones?

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I’ve got both. I have more plans with black head, but there are some places I’ll be experimenting with mystic. With mystic I’m mostly interested in super mystic plus adding a few genes that I hope will be cool.

I think the super is what sets mystic (and phantom) apart from the rest, but from what I’ve heard adding meaningfully/positively to the super has been a challenge. So I consider my super mystic projects to have a high risk of not panning out how I hope.

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Blackhead (plus a couple other things LOL)


Yeah, the blacks get better and darker as they age, and the potential with the super form is untapped. I’ve got loads of plans for this project😁


Apples to oranges. Both genes behave differently. I have several mystics in my collection with a super mystic x pastel mystic clutch incubating. I think mystic is like a more vibrant and vivid gene compared to Mojave. Similar to how spark is compared to yellowbelly.

I just purchased my first black head for some other combinations.

absolutely LOVE working with blackhead bc of how dark it is - and how it can sometimes change the WHOLE color of a snake in just a couple months of growth - lots of BEAUTIFUL black head animals posted on here!!!

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I would love to know what the other things are unless it’s a secret, that is one of the coolest blackhead combo I have seen and I am usually not much into Dark stuffs


Not a secret per se, I just like being cryptic sometimes LOL

She is an Acid Blackhead BlkPastel. She is also het for something but that does not contribute to her overall appearance and I ma keeping that secret :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


We’re still raising, but we work with both. Pictured are a Super Mystic Pewter, Blackhead Red Gene, and Mystic Redstripe


I have a super mystic, gonna try pairing him with my butter female since it’d give me a good shot at more BELs lol

I also plan to pair him to my pastel super mojave female once she’s up to size, if I have my genetics correct they’d produce all mystic potions with some pastel sprinkled in :grin:


I love dark snakes, so I’ll have to go with Blackhead.

I’m currently raising a Blackhead Black Pastel poss. red ringer gene. I’m always blow away by her when I open her tub :heart_eyes:


Blackhead Fireflies (accidental world’s first) and Blackhead Fires





Black Pewter Blackhead Lesser Pos Fire


One of my favorite blackhead combos produced at Double M Reptiles


a beautiful snake. What is the combo? I like blackhead pinstripe, but your one might be my new favorite.

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