Are some morphs over hyped?

I think if it were to drop in price a little more than people would definitely buy into it. Most people are not able to just drop 5k on a snake like that. At least I am not able to but I hope to buy into it someday


For me, the adults don’t keep their colors good enough for me to want to buy into it even if I could. They get really dull as adults and don’t keep the “sunset” look.


8 posts were split to a new topic: Ball Python Colour Spectrum

In terms of things I think are overhyped, definitely clown. I’m just not a fan - they don’t seem to hold their color well and I like other patterns a lot better. I enjoy seeing the occasional clown combo, but I have no desire whatsoever to produce them. Another hot take: I think Enchi is extremely overrated. It’s not a bad gene, but I know a lot of people who stick it in absolutely everything and quite honestly I think most snakes (with a few exceptions) look better without it.

Underhyped: I totally agree on bamboo, @akmorphs. I’ve only ever seen really cool combos.

Hyped but deserves the hype: DG. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a DG animal that wasn’t absolutely stunning.


I am not a huge fan of most clown combos either, as they fade way too much honestly. But I am also not a fan of bamboo. A lot of the adults look like they have mold on them IMO. :joy: Maybe it can look better with certain combos, but by itself it isn’t the best. Underwhelming to say the least. Now DG is great, but best in combos. Honestly a good way to make everything look better is to add DG to it.

Definitely a possibility. There are hundreds of thousands and possibly even millions of possible combinations so we have only scratched the surface of what is possible.

Quality clowns hold. Lots of people throwing them out because they’re a fantastic investment and sell but if you’re serious about quality lines they’re out there!

Maybe along with quality there are some combos that hold better than others. There are soooo many people working with it with any Uber popular morph you’re going to see some big differences in terms of Some knockout combos some not so much. Still the #1 investment I would direct someone to buy female clowns!

Bamboo is ok.

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Clowns, are definitely overhyped in my book I would definitely say sugar and bamboo are a fair bit better

Bamboo doesn’t work as well in combos.

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Did you see the sugar bamboo earlier, It made me change my mind

To be overrated, something needs to look like a big deal then turn out to be meh. With morphs, it’s usually all in the eye of the beholder. You may have an opinion that something isn’t as cool as something else, but that doesn’t make it overrated. In my opinion, for a ball python morph to be overrated there needs to be something bad attached to the genetics. Look at desert. People thought awesome gene, next big thing. Then female fertility issues came up and now people generally aren’t interested.

I think scaleless might be overrated. They do look cool in my opinion, but I haven’t seen a female on eggs yet, or even a really big adult for that matter. If people can breed a scaleless female awesome morph, if not overrated, maybe. We should find out soon, female scaleless are starting to mature.


I’ve now seen several different lines of pinstripe, and some lines don’t look great. So moving forward any pinstripe I produce will come from a line that I believe to be top quality!


That’s only a combo of two co-doms.

Start throwing things in like it like Super Orange Dream Yellowbelly Pastel Clown bamboo, then the bamboo will basically wash everything out.

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Personally I actually love the look of true ghost tri-stripe bamboo pieds

I dont think that has even been produced. A quad recessive would be extremely hard and a very long project. Also, bamboo pieds tend to be white or very high white and a genetic stripe pied is not very impressive so I would imagine that a tri stripe pied wouldn’t be much different either.

I just back on the vid I had watched and the guy says at the end of the video that that one was not produced, and that it was his depiction of what it might look like. I was looking at the best bamboo morphs.

I have learned just to look at morphmarket for when I need to find out that an animal combo exists. I love the Bamboo Pastel Woma

Totally agree on the sunset project being completely over priced. Just like the monsoon project


Yeah only thing I could afford are poss hets or hets for the sunset project

I believe banana and enchi to be extremely overvalued. Banana especially. As hatchlings I’d say there are one of the most visually stunning balls out there. But as they age they loose so much color, for me it’s just not worth investing in them.
Enchi can add some amazing color, with then help of other morphs. But what they do to the pattern I feel sometimes overpowers these other morphs, making the combos less attractive.
Most underrated genes in my opinion would be calico or sugar. Those can do amazing things when added with simple genes such as pastel or yellowbelly.