Ball Or Nothing Pythons collection photos

Some close friends sent me 2.1 Amazon Tree Boas. These two are a proven pair.


Those are beautiful garden phases!


The male has some garden type pattern showing but he’s actually a red phase. They produce some decent reds, green/yellows with almost no pattern, and Halloweens. My other two tree boas in the earlier post are their babies!

They’re LTC imports.


Really? That is awesome. I love the reds and yellows, maybe one day.

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Setting everyone up in quarantine today, but we had a big weekend at the Sacramento Reptile Show. Not sales-wise, all we did was pay for the trip. I did manage to spend a boatload of money though :man_facepalming:

Introducing the first of our new additions

Heloderma horridum - Mexican Beaded Lizard


Yes yes! I love these guys. I can’t wait for more pictures of him.


Absolutely brilliant! Even if I never get into hot snakes, I for sure want to keep a gila monster at some point. The area where I live right now does not allow venomous animals as pets though. You can’t even get a license or anything.


I’m really excited to finally have one…and there may already be some plans in place for another lol. This will be an interesting journey, I’m really excited for.

Picked up one more hot last weekend too. If the Beaded is spicy, this one is a hot tamale! He’s got a lot of chilling out to do (hopefully)

Albino WDB

(I was still setting him up, water came later)


He is gorgeous. Every time you post anything about hots it intrigues me even more about them. Thank you and keep posting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


If I lived in another state, I’d have a menagerie of hots lol. As it is, I’m at my state imposed limit of Crotalus oreganus and Crotalus atrox lol.

It wasn’t all hots last weekend though.

My wife brought home another BTS, I grabbed a scissors crossing Cal King, and my friend who I supply rodent food for gave me a pair of neonate Het Scaleless Leucistic Texas Rats. I’ll have to get photos of them all this weekend.

This is Reptar


I thought you kept some speckled rattlers too? Or was this a recent law and you had to get rid of them?

Also, your wife’s new blue tongue reminds me of my new blue tongue, Rosie. The pattern, colors, eyes and facial markings are nearly the same. Who did you get him from?

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Here’s a decent update photo of the little Albino Atrox. He’s turning out pretty calm so far. Fingers crossed he breaks the Albino Rattlesnake stereotype and I’m not stuck with a complete jerk for the next 20 years :sweat_smile:


Do they tend to be extra jerk-like?


Oh yeah. Most of the older ones I’ve seen were fire hoses with the biting. The thought used to be that they couldn’t see well or their eyes hurt, but that was just speculation. Hands down the nastiest diamondback I’ve ever seen was albino.


He is absolutely stunning! Hopefully he stays chill, haha.

Love the beaded lizard too. Those guys are so cool.


I haven’t updated this in a long time, one of these days maybe I’ll spam it with some pics of things I haven’t posted here.

Picked up this Orange (Will be a Orange/Red Bicolor) ATB from Molecular Reptile (Ryan Young) at the Portland/Hillsboro reptile expo this weekend. Super excited about her.

I’ve added a few more Heloderma Exasperatum over the last year (and have 3 more coming out this seasons babies) so it’s safe to say I’ve got the bug. Shared a table with my buddy Steve (Horridum Angeli Reptiles, look him up if you’re not familiar :wink:) this weekend and grabbed this guy to add to the collection.

Here’s a tired pic of me with one of Steve’s adults (Big Boy) at the show.


An ATB who isn’t trying to bite you? What a sweet baby!
I love how Heloderma lizards look. They just fascinate me. They’re like slightly potatoey dragons. If dragons were really chill and lived in hot places and liked to just bask on rocks.


That’s such a perfect description. :joy:


With ATBs even my F1s are way more chill. The majority of captive bred babies are Bitey McBitefacews but they are all still tree boas and if it moved fast in front of them they take a swing. For some captive bred animals tend not to open their mouth though so it’s usually a head butt more than a bite lol.

The beaded lizards are all pretty much baked potatoes if they’re socialized properly. Gilas are a much spicier creature and require a lot more socialization though.


Some colubrids and a Jungle Carpet. It’s lightbox season again.