Here is a better pic of her tail. Not sure what she is really but just seems something different about her pattern.
I know what you mean. I do see some oddball saddles, but I dont think it’s an Aztec. My girl, Treasure has a unique pattern as well but as far as I know shes just a normal as well. Only way to figure out if it’s something more is to breed them which takes time obviously.
The pair of them decided to sh t everywhere today
, made for a good time to get a comparison picture though.
As far as I know the dark one is a bog standard Boa and the light one is a Salmon Boa.
That’s very true . After comparing her to your Aztec I would agree that she isn’t Aztec. Stunning animal nonetheless. Thank you for your input!!!
Very nice!! The lighter one kinda looks pastel to me.
Thank you . I have absolutely no idea, she was from a pet shop and I got 0 information other than her being a Salmon. She was also sold as a he.
Oh ok just looks like quite a bit of black pigmentation present for a hypo/ salmon .
That’s not a salmon. It could be called a pastel, and a very nice one, but not salmon.
@eaglereptiles I’m with westridge on that one–not salmon. Salmon is a line of hypo, so all those blacks and browns would have been mostly replaced with reds and oranges, dorsal pattern would be reduced, and outlines on the tail would be gone/very reduced.
@alpinereptiles @gregp @westridge thank you so much. I got her from a pet store so I have always been a bit sceptical of the IDing.
Azalea was laying out so pretty this evening I just had to snap a couple of pictures. There is a fine layer of mist on her as I mist at night before I go to bed.
Some updated pictures
Azalea and Thanos outside in natural light.
Azalea, Suriname redtail BCC
Thanos Guyana redtail BCC
Calypso, BI aztec possible het anery from Project Reptile
I would love to have a female BCC one day soon
Wait, can you explain why the Guyana’s tail is like 1million times darker red than the Surinames?
i would want Peruvian BCC
I would love a peruvian myself
@buy1ngasnake they’re highly variable, but a lot of the Guyanas are quite a bit darker than the Suriname boas. He actually gets darker than this and lighter than this. Boa costrictors change color slightly with mood and temperature. Here’s a pic when hes really dark
It’s hard to get a picture of him in his light phase because hes still a little nervous and darkens up as soon as I get him out. But when hes relaxed and warm he actually shows a lot of purples and reds throughout his body.
Thanks. One more question, do you see any difference between localities of BCC? For collecting, would there be any differences between a Guyana, Suriname, Peruvian or other? Thanks for the help, trying to be informed before any serious purchase.
@buy1ngasnake honestly I havent kept enough to say in this particular instance. I’ve only had one other bcc and it was another suriname that ended up being returned to the breeder because she couldn’t keep meals down.