Super pastel hypo x axanthic will only produce pastels that are het for axanthic and hypo.
I’ve seen your posts on reddit and nobody has said that it’s impossible, just that you won’t get a “true ghost” (hypo axanthic) from that pairing. Which is true
Yes I understand I should have been more specific can I not accomplish my goal with the offspring?
Plan is to pair the parents,
Then down the line pair the offspring to reach my goal.
You say it’s not worth it so I may just cut my loss on this female being my x Axanthic & find a true super pastel but I definitely wouldn’t mind putting the time/work into the pairing since I have a good feeling about future clutches from the offspring.
I’ve seen several people get white & black offspring off the first clutch I just don’t understand how that’s possible if what your saying goes for all hypo?
Editing for clarification: this first section is about the post above regarding breeding axanthic to desert ghost.
It isn’t possible. It is a recessive, so unless both parents carry the genes in some form (het or visual) you will 100% get only double hets.
The pairing you just listed will provide you with 100% het axanthic 100% desert ghost. All offspring would have these genetics.
I would also avoid breeding siblings together. Beeeders will breed a snake back to one of its parents, but breeding siblings from what I understand usually isn’t recommended.
If you tried to breed the siblings together, it’s possible you hit a super pastel axanthic (ghost)hypo,
What @eaglereptiles said above is true for ALL recessive genes. Not just ghost, or axanthic, or desert ghost, etc. each parent has to have a copy of the gene in order for it to be visual in the offspring.
Regarding the time it takes, it’ll be a minimum of 2-3 years after you get the offspring. Before you can breed them, which would be assuming they’re up to size and choose to breed. Not always the case.
To recap:
Breeding a super pastel hypo to an axanthic will give you all babies with:
Pastel 100% double het ghost(hypo) axanthic
If these were paired together, you have a 1/64 chance at getting a super pastel ghost(hypo) axanthic (double visual recessive).
Breeding any offspring back to either parent will not give you a super pastel (ghost)hypo axanthic, no matter how you pair them.
I personally wouldn’t commit to 3+ years of time for a 1/64 chance, when you could potentially get animals that could achieve your goals faster. That’s a personal preference.
Hypo (also known as ghost) is not the same as desert ghost, which is completely separate recessive morph.
It is impossible to get what you want from the the first pairing, by breeding the offpsring together you have a (low) chance of getting a true ghost. For the most part you’re just going to produce pastels that are hets and pos hets
Ah okay that makes sense I was confused on that because there’s breeders saying they’ve used
Desert Ghost that’s non Axanthic Het so that’s where all the confusion is coming from,
So the plan for that is I’ll use the offspring paired to another VPI Axanthic once they are of age/size then once they breed I should get mostly White & Black,
I know this will take quite some time but I am prepared since I really really wanna breed my
own White & Black since they are so so hard to
find where I am in Canada
I’d avoid using jungle for the calculator unless you have a jungle that you’re getting. It isn’t the same as as a super pastel.
Also breeding an offspring back to a different axanthic male will only give you a chance at pastel axanthic het hypo, unless you’re getting an axanthic that is het or visual for hypo already.
I’m not sure what you put in for the parents on the MorphMarket calculator but that isn’t correct for the pairings you’ve described. I’ll try to help type something up for you in the morning, I’m off for the night.
Keep in mind there are multiple lines of axanthic that are NOT compatible with each other. So whatever line you pick you will need to keep with that line.
There does seem to be some synergistic effect of combining axanthic and desert ghost (and some also say pastel goes well with both) that makes a nicer black and white snake. And to really knock it out of the park add clown which unexpectedly (to me anyway) produces an almost California king snake looking black and white. Search for pictures of JKR’s VPI axanthic clown desert ghost.
It got me trying to figure out how to add dg to all my projects. Unfortunately I’m very late to the game with my first possible quad het axanthic clown hypo dg girls hatched in 2022. And I’ll need more tests to become available and lots of luck to even know if I have a chance.
Sure the 1:256 odds per egg of hitting the quad visual from a pair of quad hets are astronomical but the odds of producing normals goes down with more hets too and I have a few codoms mixed in. Should be a blast trying even if it does take years and years and years.